Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 609: Kneeling down in front of the gate of the Shen residence

   Chapter 609 Kneeling down to the gate of the Shen residence

  Shen Liangyue looks weak and pitiful. At first glance, it is the kind of person who has suffered great grievances and was bullied, and it is easy to arouse the pity of others.

   She came to the door of the Shen residence without knocking on the door.

   His knees softened, and he knelt down in front of the gate of the Shen residence, then covered his face and cried.

   No matter where you are, there is never a shortage of people watching the fun.

   Especially the excitement related to wealthy families and women is as attractive as nectar attracts bees.

  Passers-by stopped one after another, and soon there were countless crowds, pointing and discussing at a high speed, guessing what happened?

There are those who know a little bit, and while wondering and muttering in their hearts, they tell others about science: This Shen family is the residence of Lord Shen, the censor of the Zuodu capital. The famous Tanhua Lang, who is this girl, why did she run here and kneel?

   What the **** happened.

   I was also very curious, I couldn't help but kindly asked Shen Liangyue what happened?

Shen Liangyue has never done such a thing. The little girl's family, just kneeling here in the crowd, letting so many people gather around and point and watch, has exhausted all the courage, blushing and heartbeat. , My whole body is weak, full of discomfort, and I'm so nervous that I'm about to collapse, where can I help people ask?

   She opened her mouth, unable to make a sound at all to answer.

   In a hurry, he covered his face and almost cried.

   fell even more pitiful in the eyes of the audience.

   Everyone was in an uproar, pointing, or shaking their heads and sighing, saying that this girl must have suffered a great grievance! Otherwise, how could this be.

  So, someone very enthusiastically stepped forward to knock on the door for her.

   The doorman heard a knock on the door, so he had to open it to take a look.

   Seeing this, I was immediately dumbfounded and shocked!

  This, this, this—what's the situation?

Shen Liangyue covered her face and lowered her head. She was embarrassed and anxious now, and her tears had already fallen. She thought that Shen Liangwei had robbed her beloved King of War, and she used to pretend to be innocent and innocent in front of her. Even more sad and sad, tears flowed, choked and cried.

  The doorman panicked, and at a glance he recognized it was Shen Liangyue.

   was even more flustered, and did not dare to go forward, and hurriedly called someone in to report to the master and wife.

   Mr. Shen's family of four is beaming at the moment, and Shen Liangwei's marriage has been finalized. This is truly a double happiness, and the one who is the happiest is Mrs. Shen.

   Hurry up and marry your daughter-in-law, maybe you can have a grandson soon!

   Who knows, the door hurriedly ran to report such a thing

   The family of four was dumbfounded.

  Shen Hongxun's face sank, his eyes looked gloomy and cold, and he sneered: "As expected of the bloodline of the old lady's direct relative, this shameless and shameless strength is really in the same line!"

  Shen Liangwei frowned and said, "Shen Liangyue has always had no brains, such a shameful thing, if she was called for the second and third rooms, she would definitely refuse. I'm afraid, I'm afraid she is for His Royal Highness the King of War."

   "So that side also knows that Wei Er and His Royal Highness Zhan Wang were given marriage by the emperor? The news is fast enough" Madam Shen raised her eyebrows.

  Shen Hongxun sneered lightly: "I don't think so. She may just know that Wei Er is 'crying and making trouble' for her marriage and can only marry His Royal Highness the King of War. If she knew that the emperor gave her a marriage, how could she have the courage."

   (end of this chapter)

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