Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 614: Is Shen Liangwei going to be the princess of war?

   Chapter 614 Is Shen Liangwei going to be the princess of war?

   Mrs. Shen was irritated by being scolded for no reason, and said with a sneer, "What's the use of venting my anger, mother? You are an elder, but you discipline that unfilial younger generation!"

The meaning of    is clearly mocking the old lady Shen who can't control the big room.

   She is also very angry, her daughter is the concubine of King Yong, and since she went to the palace of King Yong, she has not been close to her mother's family at all, and she has not given face to her mother at all.

   is completely different from when he was not married.

   She was not so annoyed and aggrieved in her heart, but now she has absolutely no way to take advantage of her daughter.

   However, even so, it sounds good to say it out, anyway, she is barely half the mother-in-law of His Royal Highness King Yong!

   She can still live on now, she doesn't believe it, if the day comes when she can't live, Shen Liangrong will really ignore her!

   But, is Shen Liangwei going to be the princess of war?

   She had to press her head over everything, which of course made her unhappy.

   "You—" Old Mrs. Shen almost died of anger.

Mrs. Shen gritted her teeth and said with resentment, "Mother, we have to ask them to explain this matter anyway! It can't be done like this! Otherwise, hmph, don't blame me for being rude, saying that girl Wei is shameless and stealing herself. A little sister's man!"

Second Mrs. Shen gave a "sneer" smile, half sneering and half sarcastic: "The third brother and sister's words are interesting, didn't you listen to the girl Yue? The emperor has already conferred marriage, I don't know how the third brother and sister can turn things around. Oh, to say it, the big room still has the ability and courage, who can help them with this trick?"

   "Speaking of which, they are also capable. Even if others think about it, they can't do it! After all, not everyone can ask the emperor to grant marriage!"

  Shen Liangyue cried even more when she heard this.

   In her sadness, she subconsciously felt resentment. If her father was as prosperous as her uncle, she could naturally walk sideways, so why would she suffer such grievances?

   Mrs. Shen also felt that these words were just heartbreaking and uncomfortable, her liver hurt with anger, and she glared at Mrs. Shen.

   Mrs. Shen's face was gloomy and she didn't speak.

  Although the eldest family is increasingly eccentric and mean-spirited, she doesn't bother to pay attention to her on weekdays, but her remarks are not rough, isn't that the reason?

   The eldest and the eldest were disobedient to begin with. Since they learned of the eldest’s life experience, even if they don’t take themselves as enemies, that’s about the same!

   Now I want to take care of their affairs, not to mention the emperor's marriage, how should I take care of this?

   But, do you care? Mrs. Shen is not willing to say anything!

  You Qi thought that Shen Liangyue was about to marry His Royal Highness the King of War at the beginning, but now that she is alright, she asked Shen Liangwei to **** it away, and she was suffocated to death just thinking about it.

   Why don't you talk about your own affairs?

   Old Mrs. Shen couldn't even rack her brains here. Second Mrs. Shen and Third Mrs. Shen felt that she could only scolded her once she was addicted to her mouth. In a hurry, Shen Liangyue's IQ rose sharply and she thought of a good way.

   "Grandmother," she blushed, bowed her head and stammered, "I, I'm a big deal with my second sister, I don't mind."

   Old Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Shen San's eyes lit up.

   Yes, this is a good way!

Mrs. Shen hurriedly smiled and said: "Yue'er is a good idea. Since His Royal Highness Zhan Wang is responsible for Wei girl's reputation, isn't our Yue'er's reputation still implicated in His Highness Zhan Wang? Your Highness should also be responsible for Yue'er. !"

   (end of this chapter)

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