Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 615: I can't even take this breath

   Chapter 615 I can't swallow this breath

   "Mother, no matter what this time, you have to convince the big brother and them!"

   Mrs. Shen was stunned, sneered again, rolled her eyes, and couldn't help laughing again: "The big room can promise this? Third brother and sister, you really think about it!"

"No one will treat you as a mute if you don't speak!" Before Mrs. Shen could speak, the old lady got angry first, glared at the second Mrs. Shen, and said arrogantly and domineeringly: "No matter what this time, the boss and the others agree. No! Hmph, if you don't agree, the third family, you ask the girl Yue to go to the big room to make trouble and force you to death, I'll see if they agree or not!"

   "If they have the ability, they are not afraid of dying!"

   Mrs. Shen was taken aback, thinking this, is this going to be a bit too much?

   But after thinking about it again, he couldn't hold his breath and nodded: "Mother said yes."

   Mrs. Shen glanced at them with mocking eyes, and laughed even more lively, so angry that Mrs. Shen wanted to beat her up.

The old lady Shen was getting angry. Besides, she didn't need to pay attention to choosing a day or anything about finding trouble. Instead, it would be better if she was angry, and she immediately ordered someone to go to the big room of the Shen family to take care of her. The two of them called.

   Mrs. Shen and Mr. Shen, the family was just discussing Shen Liangyue's ranting and comforting Shen Liangwei. Who knew that Mrs. Shen would come and invite someone over.

   The one who came to invite them this time was still Mama Chang—the name was also Mama Chang, but the person was changed, and it was no longer the old Mama Chang.

   The old lady Chang, Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Shen asked for the information they wanted. Naturally, this kind of dog slave would not keep it, but still returned it to the old Mrs. Shen.

Who would have thought that because of this, the always filial Master Shen was furious, and he split up the family resolutely, almost completely breaking up with the other side, which made the old lady Shen furious, she couldn't blame the Lord Shen, or No wonder Master Shen, let alone reflect on his own fault, can't breathe out, naturally all his anger is on Changmao.

  The old lady's heart is also poisonous, and she doesn't read any old feelings.

It is said that Mother Chang has served her for half of her life. She is already old, and there is no credit or hard work. Besides, this matter is not what Mother Chang took the initiative to say. forced out.

  Even if she is wrong, she will not die.

  How can the old lady Shen, who is full of resentment and anger, care about this?

   She doesn't want to be a mother, and she doesn't want to send her away for the sake of serving her for decades. She even handed her over to Ren Yazi to sell like an ordinary slave.

   and also explained that Renya had to buy it far away!

   It can be seen that he does not talk about human feelings at all.

   Later, he bought such a woman and named it Changmao.

   This lady Chang is naturally not as capable as the previous one, but she is worse than being honest and obedient and loyal to the old lady.

   He is honest and obedient, and he is not timid, like a quail.

Although he was a newcomer, he also knew that the big room was different from the second and third rooms. He knew these grievances. When he came to invite people, he was so frightened that he became shorter when he saw the style here. The wife doesn't dare to say anything else.

   Madam Shen winked, and someone took her outside the house to wait.

   (end of this chapter)

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