Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 618: disgusting no

   Chapter 618 Disgusting

  She herself works in the Imperial Hospital and has the title of a genius doctor. She has many constraints as a mother-in-law, and she can't move her at all.

  Otherwise, she would have forced the boss to put her off.

   Therefore, I really get annoyed every time I see her, and even more annoyed when I say such a thing.

   Mrs. Shen was too lazy to care about this with her.

   Hearing what she said, the two looked at the two of them, and they both thought that the old lady Shen was trying to stuff two dowry girls to Shen Liangwei, and she felt disgusted.

   If it wasn't for the sincerity of His Royal Highness the King of War, he would definitely be good to Weier, and if he really showed it and saved Weier's life several times, they would not have agreed to this marriage at all.

   What side concubine, concubine, what kind of jealousy, seven out of the way?

   Their precious girl has never given birth to any thoughts of climbing dragons and phoenixes. They only need her to live a happy and peaceful life.

   Old Mrs. Shen's words, why are they not offensive?

   "Old Madam's kindness, we accept it, we don't need it." Madam Shen said lightly.

   Master Shen also nodded: "Madam is right, we know this kind of thing."

Mrs. Shen San was afraid that they would kill her and she would not be able to start again, so she hurriedly laughed and said, "Brother and sister-in-law, you have a lot, but this sister is always better than the other, right? Write it down in one stroke. If you don't come out with two words, we are always a family! If Yue'er and Wei girl get married together, they will naturally go to Wei girl and help Wei girl. The two sisters are guarding His Royal Highness War King, and it is not necessary to call. Others take advantage, isn't that bad?"

"Besides, how can we compare with elder brother and elder sister-in-law? That's why we can't keep up! Yue'er naturally knows the importance, she is incomparable with her second sister! Her second sister was a marriage given by the emperor, She is at most a side concubine, only when her second sister is good can she be good. She will definitely go to her second sister! "

   "If eldest brother and eldest sister-in-law don't believe it, let's call Yue'er to ask."

   The three people in the Shen family's big room were stunned.

  Rao was Shen Hongxun, who always felt that he knew them deeply, and was stunned.

  What is this, this, this called? ?

  I thought that the old lady wanted to send the maid in the room so that she could place someone next to Shen Liangwei, but who knew that what they thought was that sisters serve one husband together!

   This kind of thing is not afraid of being laughed at.

  Although it seems like a "tragic story" that these sisters serve a husband together, but who would do such a thing in a serious and good family these days?

  Only the old man of the big family will feel that it will be more interesting to have both sisters!

Mrs. Shen was so angry that her face was almost twisted, and she gritted her teeth and scolded: "Okay, okay! You can say such things? This is your idea? What are you dreaming about! Just Shen Liangyue's shameless hooves, Today, I ran to the gate of our house to make a scene, I thought it was disgusting enough, but I didn't expect it to be enough, this is even more disgusting!"

   Old Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Shen San were stunned by Mrs. Shen's rude words.

   Old Mrs. Shen was so angry that she couldn't speak, while Third Mrs. Shen was shy and stammered: "You, you, what did you say? What did you say!"

   "You're shameless!" Madam Shen was really angry.

   (end of this chapter)

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