Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 619: no need to talk

   Chapter 619 There is no need to talk

"Say you are shameless!" Madam Shen was really angry and she sneered: "My family Weier doesn't care who we marry, it's all our family's business, you Shen Liangyue are so good, keep yourself for her. Find a good family! Don't mess with us! We can't afford it!"

"You, you, boss, don't you care?" The old lady Shen barely turned around in one breath, trembling: "This, is this what this junior should say? Don't care how I raised you so big, I am yours Mother, you, you treat me like this?"

"Since the elders don't look like elders, what scruples do I have? The old lady should stop talking about the first mother. If you really want to talk about it, it's not easy to say! Wei Er is our daughter, and we are our parents. It's enough to love her and think about her, she doesn't need any cousins ​​to support each other, the old lady should not worry about it!"

Mrs. Shen San's face was very ugly, but she still held back: "Is it possible that the sister-in-law is afraid that Yue'er will bully Wei'er, I will teach Yue'er well, and I will make her focus on Wei'er. It's all her own family, and this is also for Wei'er. Good! Otherwise, if something happens in the future, Wei Er doesn't have a helper by her side, carefully she hates you parents for not thinking about her!"

   Mrs. Shen sneered, and said coldly: "My daughter, if she can't rely on her ability to live with her husband Qin and Se, and grow old together, it is her own life, and I admit it, and there is no need for others to intervene!"

   Mrs. Shen: "."

The third Mrs. Shen told her that she didn't know what to say, she recovered and forced a smile: "You, what are you talking about. How could a mother do such a thing? You? Didn't you force girl Wei to hate you?"

   Mrs. Shen sneered in her heart, she could really understand the thoughts of these people, and she also understood that her thoughts were not on the same line as theirs, and there was no way to continue the conversation.

   She means, they will never understand, in their eyes, there are only interests.

   After that, there is no need to chat!

   So Mrs. Shen said very simply and domineeringly: "My mother is doing this, even if Wei Er hates me in the future, I will recognize it!"

  So, you should take a break, don't make any decisions.

   Mrs. Shen was so angry, "You, you—"

  The old lady Shen also felt aggrieved to the death, and said angrily to Master Shen: "Boss, look, look, what is this like! How does it speak!"

Master Shen was also impatient with them, so he naturally turned to Madam Shen, and his tone was so kind that he couldn't get angry: "It's not wrong for her to say that, we believe that Wei Er can live her own life well, girl Yue is another matter. Look for high branches."

What else did the old lady Shen have to say, Shen Hongxun smiled and said: "Third aunt, don't make this idea, Wei Er and His Royal Highness Zhan Wang are the emperor's marriage, so it's just a dowry girl, dowry a side concubine, but there is no such thing. It makes sense. Besides, it's not someone else, it's His Royal Highness Zhan Wang. Who knows whether His Highness Zhan Wang is happy or not? If it annoys His Highness Zhan King, I'm afraid it won't be good? Well, if the third aunt really means this , Go and ask His Royal Highness Zhan Wang? If His Highness Zhan Wang is willing, then we naturally have nothing to say, right, father and mother?"

   Master Shen: "."

   Mrs. Shen: "."

   (end of this chapter)

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