Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 643: At least not on the surface

   Chapter 643 At least not on the surface

   Shen Liangrong glanced greedily at the string of beads, feeling a little pantothenic acid in her heart.

  This string of pearls is very well poached and has a soft and holy luster. At first glance, it is an old object, and it has no market price.

   Actually, this string of pearls is not hers, but what Xiao Jinghuai gave her to Shen Liangwei before going out this morning.

  Shen Liangrong also fell in love with it, but Xiao Jinghuai explained it, how could she dare to be selfish?

   She knew that Xiao Jinghuai had a slightly different opinion towards Shen Liangwei than others, so she didn't dare to make trouble.

   The most fierce one, Princess Qingrou, didn't have a good ending.

   She is a side concubine, obedient and obedient, and serves the prince well, that is enough.

Next to   , she can't intervene.

  At least, not on the bright side.

  Shen Liangwei exuded a chill all over her body, and her eyes seemed to be quenched with ice.

   This string of pearls, how could she not recognize it?

   This is Xiao Jinghuai's very precious thing!

   That dog thing, that string of pearls was given to him through Shen Liangrong's hand, and he definitely didn't have any good intentions.

   Good stuff like this, no one doesn’t like it. Even if it is for the illusory, but it can be used as a spiritual sustenance, the auspiciousness will definitely be worn on the hand every day.

   However, such good things are not common!

  Xiao Jinghuai wears it a lot even if it is not every day.

  Shen Liangwei doesn't even have to think about what will happen once word spreads that she, the quasi-war princess, is wearing the beaded beads of His Royal Highness King Yong on her wrist.

   Naturally, Xiao Jinghuai can publicly state that this is a misunderstanding, that his pearls are still with him, and this string is just looking at each other.

   As His Royal Highness, no one dared to let him take out the beads in public for the big guys to take a closer look at and verify his identity. Everyone couldn't help but believe his words.

   Even if you don’t believe it, you don’t dare to say anything.

   But, can Xiao Jingyu not be clear?

   Can he have a chance to take a closer look and wonder if the beads on Shen Liangwei's wrist belong to Xiao Jinghuai?

  How will Shen Liangwei explain it?

   Said it was sent by Shen Liangrong?

   Based on her long-term relationship with Shen Liangrong, Shen Liangrong might give her such a precious thing?

   Who is this deceiving?

   Shen Liangwei's life will definitely be very difficult.

   Being left out is considered good.

   Of course, all of this is based on the premise that the relationship between Shen Liangwei and Xiao Jingyu is just a respectful relationship.

   Xiao Jinghuai naturally thinks so, so he did it!

   Shen Liangwei thought it was very strange, where did she provoke Xiao Jinghuai? How much hatred and hatred do you have with Xiao Jinghuai?

   So that Xiao Jinghuai was willing to sacrifice such a huge cost to plot her, frame her, and create a thorn between her and Xiao Jingyu that could never be removed?

   Selfish people will always find reasons only in others, they will always be the most innocent, wrong, and always others!

  Shen Liangwei glanced at Shen Liangrong in confusion: "Is this really given to me by the eldest sister? Where did the eldest sister get such a valuable thing?"

Shen Liangrong said with a vague smile: "This, I don't know which reward I got after entering the Yong Palace. I don't have a lot of good things, and I think about it, only this one can barely get my hands on it, good sister, can you? Don't despise it!"

   (end of this chapter)

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