Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 644: disappeared in an instant

   Chapter 644 Instantly disappeared without a trace

   "The lady in the hall must give it to me? Will you not regret it?"

   Shen Liangrong was stunned for a moment, then laughed very generously, and said with a generous smile: "What are you talking about, little sister? How can you go back on something that was sent out?"

  Shen Liangwei nodded and turned to glance at the lake not far away.

   She walked towards the lake.

  Shen Liangrong was stunned for a moment, and quickly followed: "What are you doing, sister?"

Shen Liangwei came to the lake, raised her hand, and saw that the precious bunch of small-leaf rosewood beads crossed a rounded arc in the air, with a soft sound of "thump", a small splash of water splashed, and fell into the lake. .

   disappeared in an instant.

   Only the shallow ripples rippled, reminding the two people on the shore of the lake what happened in the lake just now.

  Shen Liangrong changed color instantly, followed by a pain in the flesh.

   "Sister, what do you mean?"

Shen Liangwei smiled lightly and said nonchalantly, "It's nothing, the lady in the hall may not know, I was born to collide with things like this, I can't get in contact with them, I'm afraid of bad luck. Only running water is the most clean and innocent in this world, and it's good to throw it into this lake. It's also a good thing to wash and clean!"

  Shen Liangrong: "."

   Shen Liangrong opened her eyes wide and opened her mouth, but she couldn't say a word!

   She is called Shen Liangwei, this logic is out of breath

   After a while, he held back his anger and said: "This, what is this reason! How can there be such a reason!"

  Shen Liangwei smiled: "This is not the truth, but I suddenly thought so on a whim, so I did it."

  "." Shen Liangrong was about to vomit blood.

   How precious is that? Money can't buy it! Throw it away on a whim?

   Such a big lake and such a small bunch of things, if you fall into it, don’t try to get it up again, it’s useless.

   "Miss in the hall won't you be angry?" Shen Liangwei smiled, innocent and harmless.

   Shen Liangrong smiled reluctantly: "Since it was given to you, it is yours, and you naturally have the right to deal with it, how can my sister be angry?"

   "That's good, then I'm relieved," Shen Liangwei smiled, "We've been out a lot, so let's go back. I'm a little worried about His Royal Highness, and I need to go back and have a look."

   "Okay" Shen Liangrong smiled and nodded.

  's thoughts moved, and Shen Liangrong suddenly thought that if her Highness knew about this, she might be angry and angry in her heart. Thinking of this, Shen Liangrong felt a bit of strange joy in her heart.

   The smile also brightened for a while, and the feeling of heartache and flesh pain disappeared.

   It's really a demonic obstacle, why does her heart hurt? Anyway, such a good thing can't be in her hands.

  Shen Liangrong couldn't help but looked at Shen Liangwei secretly. The fourteen-year-old girl has grown up in size, her skin is as white and greasy as porcelain, her lips are red and her teeth are white, her long eyelashes are soft and fine, and her eyes are beautiful and warm, like the finest black jade.

The crow green hair bun and the hairpin ring jewelry are just simple decorations, only a few pieces, but the value of the cordyceps tangle flower hairpin with a thumb-sized ruby, red gold and emerald green, I am afraid it is more than all the accessories and jewelry on her body. Add up to be more expensive.

  It is impossible not to be jealous.

  Even if that bitch, the princess of Qingrou County, has lost his power, and even if he acts in a posture that His Royal Highness King Yong likes to love in front of outsiders, so what?

  What is fake can never become real.

   (end of this chapter)

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