Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 647: I feel dirty

   Chapter 647 I think dirty

   Xiao Jinghuai hummed softly, ignored her, and walked away.

   The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, the more he hated it!

  Shen Liangwei, she is really ruthless to the extreme!

   As long as she still has the slightest affection for herself, she will never do such a thing.

   He was sure that she must have recognized who the pearls belonged to, she did it on purpose!

  Zhan Wangfu, as soon as they left, Xiao Jingyu lifted the thin blanket covering his legs and jumped off the kang. Before Shen Liangwei could react, he smiled and hugged her, bowing his head and kissing her again and again.

  Shen Liangwei told him to hold him for a good amount of nonsense, Fang struggled away, her pretty face was flushed red, her eyes were like silk, and she was a little bit angry because of her good temper, "My lord, can you calm down?"

The beautiful woman in her arms is Yi Xi and Yi is angry, every inch between her brows and eyes is so attractive, Xiao Jingyu can't stop, holding her as if she is a little coquettish: "This king is too difficult! It is too difficult to deal with that dog! Wei Er, you Let me give this king a good hug, okay?"

   Shen Liangwei laughed and laughed, but she couldn't bear it in her heart, and she didn't say anything after half push.

   Young men and women who are in love at the beginning of their relationship and fall in love at the beginning have so many scruples when their love comes up?

The two of them couldn't help it for a while. They were affectionate and intimate for a while. Xiao Jingyu raised his hand and smoothed the hair of the person in his arms, which was slightly ruffled by him. He gently stroked her face and asked softly, "Shen Liangrong can you? bullied you?"

  Shen Liangwei laughed lowly, turned her head and looked at him with a smile: "Why didn't the lord ask Qingrou County Master to bully me?"

   Xiao Jingyu sneered lightly, disdainfully: "She doesn't dare. Yesterday, Queen Fu must have given her a lot of hardship. She is a person who only knows how to bully the soft and be afraid of the hard."

   Shen Liangwei couldn't help laughing.

   "This is in the War Palace. It's too late for Shen Liangwei to flatter me, so how dare you bully me?"

   Xiao Jingyu laughed: "That's true, but that man has a gloomy mind, he dares not to be open, but not necessarily in the dark. In this king's palace, whether it is open or secret, this king is not allowed!"

   Even if she said something that sounded reasonable on the surface but was actually very bad, and wanted to beat her but couldn't find a reasonable reason, he wouldn't allow it.

   Anyway, in his "state" now, he doesn't need to hide his unhappiness, just send a message to Xiao Jinghuai, Xiao Jinghuai doesn't dare not obey.

Shen Liangwei blinked, didn't tell him Shen Liangrong's secret thoughts and the situation where she was speechless, she just smiled and said: "She gave me something, it was a string of old children ten years ago. Jue Si presided over the bright red sandalwood beads, I really did not expect that she would have such a precious thing, and she would be willing to give it to me."

   Xiao Jingyu really knew about this string of beads, and his face became extremely ugly after hearing this, "Where's the string of beads?"

  Shen Liangwei pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes rolled, and she said without thinking, "How could I want her things? I think it's dirty! So I raised my hand and threw it into the lake!"

  Xiao Jingyu: "."

   Xiao Jingyu laughed, very happy, kissed her again and again, nodded in approval, "Yes, it's not dirty! It's dirty! Throw it well!"

   smiled again: "Isn't it just a string of beads? Where can I find a good one? Go back and look for a better string for Wei Er."

  Shen Liangwei smiled: "As long as it is given by the prince, no matter what it is, it is good."

   (end of this chapter)

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