Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 648: The face is getting ugly day by day

   Chapter 648 The face is getting uglier every day

  Shen Liangwei smiled: "As long as it is given by the prince, no matter what it is, it is good."

Xiao Jingyu was so in love with this, and even more elated, he hugged her tightly: "Good Wei'er, good Wei'er, it's not the best thing, this king can't give it to you. What this king wants to give you , must be the best in the world!"

  Shen Liangwei's heart was soft and sweet, and under his eyes, she was even more embarrassed, with a faint blush on her pretty face, "As long as the prince is good, it is better than the best in this world."

   Xiao Jingyu embraced her, tightened his arms, and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, just a smile on his thin lips, and tenderness between his eyebrows and eyes.

  What he wants to give her is naturally the best and best thing in the world. The grievances she suffered in her previous life will be taken back for her in this life.

   For several days in a row, Shen Liangwei went out early in the morning and returned late - to the war palace.

  Shen Hongxun is in charge of the daily pick-up and delivery, and his face is getting uglier every day.

   Once You Qi arrived at Zhan Wangfu, his face was full of frustration and depression, as if Zhan Wangfu owed him Bai Wanliang.

   He changed his ways, made clear hints and reminded him, so that His Royal Highness the King of War should not go too far, almost got it! His sister is not the maidservant of the King of War's Mansion, so why come over to take care of people every day?

  How can Xiao Jingyu do what he wants?

   He fell off a cliff and broke his leg again, and he finally managed to win such a little benefit, so he must hold on to it.

And he suddenly felt that this eldest brother-in-law was really annoying. Sooner or later, Wei Er would have to be his own princess. She was already engaged, so she was someone from the palace. She stayed at her own home, what was wrong with her? ah?

   But he, the elder brother, has wide control.

   Isn't he going to get married before the end of the year? Isn't there a lot of things that need to be prepared before getting married? Why is he so idle?

  Since he is so idle, is he simply thinking about finding something to do for him? Save yourself and Weir all day long.

  Shen Liangwei saw that the two of them had fought each other in secret and openly.

   The hardest thing is that she doesn't know who to help. It seems that everyone should help, and it's not very good to help anyone!

   It is rare for these two to be so naive!

Shen Liangwei is a little bit biased towards her own elder brother. Seeing that he always can't compete with Xiao Jingyu is a little distressed, she can't help but smile to him: "The third brother doesn't need to send me there and pick me up in the future, just send the driver for a walk. It’s just a trip. It’s only a short distance both horizontally and vertically, so why bother the third brother every day?”

   That's right, this is the solution that Shen Liangwei came up with - wouldn't it be better if the two of them couldn't see each other?

   If you can't see each other, naturally you can't quarrel!

   "No way!" Shen Hongxun denied it without thinking, and he felt depressed! How can his sister do this?

  Isn't this clearly directed at that guy Xiao Jingyu? Absolutely not!

  Shen Liangwei: "."

  Shen Liangwei didn't expect that her third brother's opposition was so fierce and decisive, and it seemed that there was still a little bit of grievance.

  Shen Liangwei was reluctant to be wronged by her third brother, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Okay, third brother, let's go, then you will have to trouble the third brother."

   "We are a family, no trouble whatsoever!"

   (end of this chapter)

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