Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 658: It's just that day

   Chapter 658 It's only one day horizontally and vertically

  The emperor bestowed the marriage, the Shen family was a high-ranking family member, and soon another princess of war was coming out, and the guests who came to congratulate almost stepped over the threshold.

  The Shen family is usually low-key, and Lord Shen does not form gangs, and it is rare to send gifts to the Shen family. Who would miss such a great opportunity this time?

  The emperor conferred the marriage, and the old lady Shen and the second and third rooms were very courageous, and they did not dare to toss on the wedding day. On the contrary, the whole family over there came over.

   Said to help greet the guests, but in fact, I wish I could take this opportunity to make more contacts.

   Mr. Shen and his wife are very clear in their hearts, but in the end, a family, such a happy event, can't stop people from coming.

  The horizontal and vertical are only one day, just keep one eye open and close the other.

  However, the old lady Shen and the second and third rooms were cheeky, and they felt that their name was justifiable - they were all from the Shen family, and they were all from the blood of the Shen family!

   But, if nothing else, just in terms of character, what they have done over the years is enough to be despised, ridiculed and contemptuous, and no one looks down on them at all.

   Not to mention that the big room has a relationship with them, there is no real forgiveness for them at all, it is just to maintain the surface politeness.

  So, a fool knows how to choose—who would be so close to them that they would upset the people in the big house?

  Old Mrs. Shen and others greeted them with a smile at first, greeting the guests with enthusiasm, as if they were one of the hosts.

   But soon, he noticed the alienation and coping of everyone, and no one was willing to get close to them at all.

   Don't talk about a good chat, even go to the old Mrs. Shen to say hello and leave, to the other couple, that is to say hello.

   What's more, he saw it from a distance and pretended not to see it, so he avoided it.

  This is completely different from what they imagined before they came.

  Old Mrs. Shen originally thought that even if it was made for outsiders to see, today Da Furen and Mrs. Shen would have to respect themselves as if they were old monarchs.

   Who knew that she was so perfunctory and deserted that she could not feel any sense of respect!

   Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Shen are even worse than her.

  The three mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were very angry, their faces were gloomy, and they couldn't even keep their smiles.

   As a result, it fell into the eyes of the guests, but it was even more contempt and contempt for them.

   Heart said, where is my family here to help? Is this for debt collection?

   On the day when people are rejoicing, you just put on your face like this at the wedding banquet? This. The big house of the Shen family is really miserable.

  Fortunately, this was the marriage granted by the emperor, and the old lady Shen asked Shen Hong to some extent. There was no trouble, and the two daughters-in-law were not allowed to make trouble. Otherwise, it would be even more ugly.

   Shen Liangyue also came, her face was pale and very silent. It looks like a girl who is raised in a deep boudoir.

   Shen Liangwei felt hateful eyes from her after she entered the mansion.

   You don’t have to think about it to know, it must be because of Xiao Jingyu.

  Shen Liangwei just glanced at her and ignored her.

  Since she firmly believes that she robbed Xiao Jingyu, then let her be.

   Or, if she has the ability, she can grab it back.

   Anyway, she wouldn't listen no matter how much she said.

   Shen Liangwei greeted the ladies who came to the banquet with the ladies, but had no time to pay attention to her.

   (end of this chapter)

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