Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 659: Some people deserve it sometimes

   Chapter 659 Some people sometimes deserve it

Who knew that before the banquet, the guests began to take their seats, and Shen Liangxin suddenly ran over and said to Shen Liangwei timidly: "Second sister, third sister, she, she said she wanted to talk to you, there are a few things I want to ask you, please tell me I'll go over there."

   In fact, Shen Liangyue's words were not so polite, they were completely bossy.

   In her own opinion, Shen Liangwei stole her good marriage and the person she liked, so she should feel guilty and guilty of herself, why should she be polite to her?

   And, if you call her, she must come!

  Shen Liangwei really wants to complain, where did Shen Liangyue get such a big face? Why did she tell herself to go wherever she wanted? Also learn to direct people.

   "I won't go," Shen Liangwei said to Shen Liangxin with a smile: "Tell her, if you want to find me, go to Lingxiao Courtyard, I'll wait for her at Lingxiao Courtyard."

"Second sister" Shen Liangxin suddenly grabbed Shen Liangwei's sleeve when she heard this, with a look of fear on her thin little face, tears in her eyes, and said pitifully, "Please, the third sister is in the garden, You, you can go with me, just come down. If, if I can't invite you over, she, she will scold me woohoo"

   "Fourth younger sister," Shen Liangwei's eyes were cold as she stared coldly at Shen Liangxin and said, "Today is the big day when my third brother married the third sister-in-law. If you cry again, don't blame me for sending someone to send you away first."

   The pitiful expression on Shen Liangxin's face stopped abruptly, her eyes were covered with a layer of water mist, and she didn't know whether it should condense into tears and roll down.

   She looked at Shen Liangwei in fear and didn't dare to cry, but she still begged her: "Second sister, please, come with me"

   Shen Liangwei looked at such a skinny little girl who could be blown down by a gust of wind, and suddenly felt that she couldn't arouse any sympathy.

  Some people actually deserve it sometimes.

   She smiled softly but decisively: "I'm not going."

  Shen Liangxin: "."

   "Weier!" Lu Xiuxun came over suddenly, pulled Shen Liangwei and said with a smile, "Why are you still here? Go, it's almost time to be seated! You, the host, can't be lazy, you have to accompany you anyway."

   Shen Liangxin saw the person coming, his face changed, and he lowered his head, daring not to let anyone see the tears in his eyes.

Shen Liangwei knew that Lu Xiuxun must have seen Shen Liangxin pestering her and came here on purpose to relieve the siege. She smiled, nodded and said to Shen Liangxin: "Okay, fourth sister, go find fourth aunt and sit down together, there are I'll talk about it later."

   Shen Liangxin had no choice but to watch Shen Liangwei being pulled away by Lu Xiuxun.

   She had to bite the bullet and talk to Shen Liangyue.

   Shen Liangyue only saw her coming alone, and she didn't see Shen Liangwei's figure at all, she was furious and raised her hand to give her a slap in the face.

The marriage between Shen Liangwei and Xiao Jingyu has always been a thorn in her heart. Day by day, this feeling of anger and jealousy has not disappeared but intensified. The days are peaceful, and the temperament has become more and more extreme and surly.

   For a worthless sister like Shen Liangxin, she didn't take it seriously at all.

   What about my sister? She still beats when she wants to get angry.

  Shen Liangxin was so frightened that she shrank her neck and closed her eyes, backed away and walked away——

   (end of this chapter)

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