Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 691: how could it not

   Chapter 691 How could there not be

   Madam Shen was so angry that she opened her mouth to speak, but was stopped by Shen Liangwei shaking her head gently: Let her search and see what she can find.

   Mrs. Shen glared at her hatefully, this bitch, shouldn't let them come today.

Shen Liangyue's heart was already anxious, she was looking for it randomly, and she kept muttering "Impossible, this is impossible!", "How could it not be!", "I saw it with my own eyes!" and so on, I searched Shen Liangwei's house.

   Mrs. Shen naturally completely believed in her daughter, or in other words, she wished that what her daughter said was true, and worked hard with her.

From time to time, I also take the time to explain and explain: "My daughter is an honest person, she will never lie!", "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, my family Yue'er would never have said this, my child I can't be more clear. !"and many more.

   But I don't know, if she didn't say so, maybe others would be a little bit suspicious. After all: there is no wind and no waves, and the groundless wind may not be without cause!

   However, when she said this, everyone subconsciously remembered Shen Liangyue's previous salacious manipulations, and couldn't help but feel funny and burst into laughter.

   Just like her, she is still an honest person and never lies?

   This Mrs. Shen really speaks volumes! Moreover, did she have any misunderstanding of "truthful people"?

  Shen Liangwei's house is very delicate and warm, and it is spacious and spacious. It can be seen that the Shen family really loves her daughter, and treats her like a pearl in the palm of her hand.

   But no matter what, the size of the house is limited, and there are fewer places to hide people.

   It didn't take long for Shen Liangyue's mother and daughter to search all over the place.

  Shen Liangyue is also a wonderful person, she even raised her head to look carefully at the roof beam, Shen Liangwei couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth and was speechless.

"Have you finished the search?" Shen Liangwei sneered: "But you have to search carefully, don't look back and say that you haven't searched well! There are two wing rooms, do you want to search together? And my yard is so big, why don't you go to the Do you also search the garden?"

   "This, this is what you said, don't say I forced you." Shen Liangyue gritted her teeth fiercely, and went out!

  Search, why not search?

  I can't be reconciled if I don't search for her!

  People: "."

   Everyone couldn't help but roll their eyes. Seeing Shen Liangyue's gaze became subtle for a while, many people simply looked at it with contempt.

  I've seen shameless people, but it's really rare to see shameless people like Shen Liangyue.

   This is still a girl who has not left the cabinet. Who will be so unlucky in the future to marry such a troublemaker back? This is simply not worthy of being a concubine.

   Shen Liangwei didn't stop her, Da Furen Shen was so angry that her eyes spit fire and she sneered and didn't speak, so everyone followed Shen Liangyue and searched the left and right wing rooms and even the garden.

   The result, of course, was nothing.

   "This is impossible!" Shen Liangyue swayed and almost fell!

   Her face turned red and white, so embarrassed that she wanted to burrow into the ground.

   is too embarrassing

   She didn't expect things to turn out like this!

   "I clearly saw—"

"Enough!" Mrs. Shen said coldly, "I'm thinking of a little bit of kinship, and that no matter what, everyone's surname is Shen, but I didn't expect you to be so shameless! You still want to slander my daughter. when!"

   (end of this chapter)

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