Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 692: Everyone was stunned

   Chapter 692 Everyone is stunned

"Oh, sister-in-law, don't say that," Mrs. Shen had an idea and said hurriedly: "It's not surprising that I can't find it, I just came back to my senses. Maybe when we searched the main house just now, people were hiding in the wing. , Or maybe they have quietly escaped from the garden! If you have to search it, where can you find it?"

Second Mrs. Shen also laughed and mocked: "I think what the third sibling said sounds reasonable. This is your home. As long as people leave this yard, where can they hide? Maybe someone will lead them there. Hide it! After all, hehe, family ugliness cannot be made public!"

   "You—" Mrs. Shen was stunned. It turns out that people who have been wronged can still say that? ?

   She thinks she really opened her eyes

   Everyone was stunned and looked at each other.

Shen Liangyue also caught up with this nerve line all of a sudden, and made an inference from one case to another: "Maybe when we came to Lingxiaoyuan, we already got the news here, people have already run away? Anyway, Anyway, this is your home, and the servants and servants are all yours, so it's not convenient for you to do whatever you want—ah! You, you—"

  Shen Liangyue covered her face and screamed, staring at Shen Liangwei.

   Shen Liangwei slapped her face, but showed no mercy.

   Everyone froze in their hearts. They wanted to laugh at first, but now their expressions have frozen.

Shen Liangwei gave Shen Liangyue a contemptuous look, and said lightly: "It was you who saw a strange man entering my yard, and it was you who wanted to search for people to prove that everyone could see it, and it was you who couldn't find anyone. You have already run away, so you can't find it. In a word, what you say is what it is, and it is not!"

   "Even if there is no evidence, you are right! Don't you think that you are directing and acting here by yourself from start to finish? Shen Liangyue, you are so shameless!"

   "I, I just saw it," Shen Liangyue said bitterly: "I didn't lie! If you, if you are innocent, you will prove it to the big guys and prove that no man has ever come to this yard!"

   "If I can't prove it, it means I didn't lie!"

   Everyone was even more dumbfounded, looking at Shen Liangyue one by one, a little dumbfounded.

  Shen Liangwei even looked at her with a look at the mentally handicapped.

Xu Qingyun said: "Speaking of which, I also have something I want to talk about. Yesterday, I went out to buy things and saw the third cousin, you and two men pulling and pulling in the alley at the corner of Changyuan Teahouse. I don't know who those two are. ? Third cousin, it's not good for you to be disrespectful outside like this, you haven't told others!"

   "You are talking nonsense, I didn't!" Shen Liangyue shouted in anger, she still didn't know she didn't say anything about others? Xu Qingyun, this slut, has ruined her reputation so much, she is trying to ruin her!

   Mrs. Shen also screamed: "Sister-in-law, is this how your daughter-in-law treats your sister-in-law? You don't care? If Yue'er's reputation is ruined by your daughter-in-law, you will be responsible for her marriage!"

Xu Qingyun: "I'm not talking nonsense, it's what I saw with my own eyes, I didn't see it very clearly, but the two men were in their early twenties. I'm definitely not mistaken. If the third cousin thinks I'm talking nonsense, then you can prove that I'm talking nonsense? If you can't show it, it means I'm right!"

   Xu Qingyun returned all the words to Shen Liangyue.

   (end of this chapter)

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