Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 693: Dare it's for our family

   Chapter 693 Dare to Love This is for our family

  Everyone was stunned for a moment, and when they thought of what Shen Liangyue said just now, they all burst out laughing!

Mrs. Shen couldn't help but sneer: "The third younger brother and sister is really good at thinking, I will tell your daughter about others? Oh, you are asking, is there a good person who would like this kind of thing? The temper of things, who dares to ask for it?"

"Also, your daughter-in-law slandered my family Weier by talking nonsense, but what she said was true? My daughter-in-law saw it with her own eyes. Could it be fake? If you say it's fake, then prove it to me! Come out, it's real!"

  The old lady Shen shouted: "Eldest daughter-in-law, you are so shameless!"

   "It turns out that the old lady also knows that this is shameless?" Madam Shen sneered: "Why didn't you say anything when Shen Liangyue said this? You dare to say that this is aimed at our family!"

  The old lady Shen was furious: "You are talking nonsense, nonsense!"

Mrs. Shen ignored her, looked at Shen Liangyue and said coldly, "Just now when you guys were searching in the main room, there were all the maids and old ladies who came from the ladies and ladies standing outside. No one saw you when you went out? When you just ran over to the banquet and called for someone, but you swore that there was someone in Wei Er's house, what happened? You couldn't find it and said someone ran away? Oh, Wei Er is right, but not everything It's up to you to say it! In my opinion, you are just looking for faults and deliberately making us unhappy!"

"Weier is the fiancée of His Royal Highness King Zhan, and His Highness is her savior. With His Highness's character, appearance and status, it is her blessing and our family's blessing that Weier can marry His Highness. What kind of unfamiliar man are you interacting with when you are on your wedding day and guests are full of guests? Shen Liangyue, you can be more reliable even if you spread rumors?"

"Could it be that you thought that you could replace Wei'er and marry His Royal Highness Zhan Wang by taking advantage of the rumors made by the guests today and ruining Wei'er's reputation? Yes, I almost forgot, it's not a day for you to try to entangle His Highness Zhan Wang. It's been two days!"

   Mrs. Shen hated Shen Liangyue for spreading rumors and causing trouble. She spoke quickly and ruthlessly without showing any mercy to her.

   I have shown mercy to her at this time, so what should I do with my daughter?

   Rumors have no mouth, and they grow when they see the wind. It has always been so.

  There are so many guests here today, some are friends with the Shen family, some are friendly, and naturally, there are also some who are friendly on the face but secretly jealous.

   If this matter is not handled well, it is hard to say what it will be rumored outside.

  After all, outsiders will say: "Flies don't hold seamless eggs! Even if what Shen Liangyue said is not true, there is always a bit of suspicion, right? Otherwise, why does she not talk about others, but about her?"

   Shen Liangyue was humiliated by Mrs. Shen's harsh words, her blushing complexion turned purple, and her tears fell even more: "I didn't, I didn't lie, I just saw it with my own eyes!"

Mrs. Shen sneered: "Really? But how do you prove that you saw it with your own eyes? After all, we don't even know that you saw it with your own eyes! We only know that you have been tossing about this for a while and disturbed Wei Er's situation. At the end of the ceremony, I only gave this sentence at the end!"

   There was a lady who had a good relationship with Mrs. Shen and said with a smile: "This is really a big joke. When you don't rely on evidence, you only rely on a mouth."

   (end of this chapter)

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