Chapter 820 Pleading

   Her brother is the hope of Tai'anbo Mansion, and it is also the hope of her and her mother's future glory, how could it not be better? Absolutely not!

  Xiao Jinghuai was a little speechless, thinking that the second lady of Tai'an Bo's house might not have a broken brain, right?

  The whole Tai Hospital can't do anything, come to him? find him? ?

   Does he have a solution? ?

   "Miss Lu came to see this king, but I'm afraid that this king can't do anything about it!"

   Xiao Jinghuai felt a little pity in his heart! If there is a way, he is still very willing to help. The Lu family took the initiative to join, why not?

   "Your Highness, isn't there that Doctor Rong Xiuer in your palace? She—"

   "What did you say!" Xiao Jinghuai's eyes sharpened sharply, staring at her and asked coldly, "How did you know?"

  Lu Xiuyan was taken aback, she didn't expect Xiao Jinghuai's reaction to be so big, she stammered: "I, I, I overheard it on the road"

   Xiao Jinghuai's face softened a little.

  Rong Xiuer is hiding in his house. Although she usually stays in the yard and hardly goes out, he knows that she has never stopped experimenting with various drugs, and this is what he is happy to see.

   Therefore, he specially allocated her three bodyguards to help her buy various medicinal materials for her.

   The medicinal herbs she needs are somewhat out-of-the-way, and may not be found in the capital.

   Even if some rare medicinal herbs could be found in the capital, she would not dare to look for them, for fear that the Shen family would know her whereabouts, so she often asked people to go out of town to buy them.

  Xiao Jinghuai thought to himself, when he turned back, he had to ask the housekeeper to beat and beat the three guards so that they could talk less when they went out.

He didn't know at all, it wasn't that the three guards said anything in a mess. Maybe they would occasionally discuss a few words, but this time, although they went to the place where Rong Xiu'er passed, the words that Rong Xiu'er heard , but not from their mouths.

   It was she who misunderstood herself, but it was just another piece of cake!

  Rong Xiuer knew from the beginning that Xiao Jinghuai was ruthless and could sacrifice her life at any time, so how could she still give up on him? She was originally a selfish and greedy person.

  Although she can't and doesn't dare to leave the house, she often needs to send people out to buy various things. It's easier than ever to send something out and get in touch with people.

   She even misunderstood that it was Xiao Jingye who secretly cooperated with her.

   This made her even more at ease!

  Because in her opinion, Xiao Jingye is the only one who is not afraid of Xiao Jinghuai and has the strength to fight against Xiao Jinghuai.

   Xiao Jingye asked her to send people to wherever, this is very easy to do, just need an excuse to search for medicine to be able to send people to any place in an upright manner.

   Xiao Jinghuai understood what was going on, and immediately said, "Have you told others about this?"

  Lu Xiuyan hurriedly shook her head: "How dare the servant girl? The servant girl didn't tell anyone, including the parents."

   Xiao Jinghuai breathed a sigh of relief and said again: "Remember, you are not allowed to mention it to anyone, otherwise this king will not spare you!"

"The minister will never say it! The minister swears!" Lu Xiuyan hurriedly responded and pleaded, "Doctor Rong used to be famous all over the capital, and even that Mrs. Shen was full of praise for her, her medical skills must be incomparable. Maybe, it's already been a long time ago that the blue is better than the blue, and I think that Mrs. Shen is just jealous of her, so she can't be tolerated!"

   (end of this chapter)

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