Chapter 821 Poisoning

   "My lord, I beg you to let her go to Tai'an Bofu to see my brother! Maybe, maybe she will be able to do something? Please, my lord!"

  Lu Xiuyan made a lot of troubles in order to save her brother, especially the matter that haunted the Shen family.

   Xiao Jinghuai naturally knew it.

   Seeing her like this at the moment, I secretly sighed in my heart, but I admired it a little.

   This brother-sister bond is rare in the world!

   Listen to her tone, full of resentment towards the Shen family, especially for his appetite.

   It's just that Rong Xiuer can't make public appearances.

   Seeing Xiao Jinghuai pondering and not rejecting directly, Lu Xiuyan suddenly had hope in her heart, and quickly began to beg.

   Xiao Jinghuai thought for a while, and finally agreed to her.

  The Lu family took the initiative to seek refuge, and he really didn't want to let go of such an opportunity.

   From now on, everyone doesn't need to have any contact on the surface, the Lu family only helps in secret, which is of great benefit to him.

   Rong Xiu'er was just gone, no matter whether it was successful or not, the Lu family owed him a favor!

  Xiao Jinghuai only thought that Lu Xiuyan came to look for her because Tai Anbo meant it, and that it was inconvenient for Tai Anbo to come forward, so she asked her daughter to come disguised as a man. She didn't even know that it was just Lu Xiuyan's intention!

   And he didn't mention Tai Amber either. He felt that it was a tacit understanding of each other and there was no need to mention it, so he misunderstood.

  Rong Xiuer also disguised as a man and wore a hat, and soon went to Tai'anbo's house.

   Mrs. Lu was a little unhappy when she saw her pretending to be a ghost, but Lu Xiuyan insisted that she was reliable and she must let her diagnose her brother. Mrs. Lu was better than nothing, so she reluctantly agreed.

   As for whether Lu Zhifeng's leg can fully recover, Rong Xiuer didn't say enough, but judging from what she said, there is hope, although it is not very hopeful.

  The most important thing is that she found out that Lu Zhifeng was poisoned!

  If he doesn't detoxify first, even if his leg injury is healed, he will become a useless person!

   Mrs. Lu and Lu Xiuyan were shocked, and Mrs. Lu's legs went weak and almost fell to the ground.

   "You, are you serious? How is this possible!" Mrs. Lu's heart beat faster and her voice trembled.

  Lu Xiuyan gritted her teeth and said bitterly, "Mother, this doctor will never lie, what she said must be true!"

  Rong Xiuer sneered in her heart, is this kind of thing necessary to lie? If she can't even see this, then she has studied medicine for so many years in vain!

Of course, this poison is very secretive, this is not an ordinary poison, and the attack cycle is also very long. If it is not a doctor who has a lot of hunting for various poisons, it may not be possible to find out, at most, it will feel that the patient's body is slightly weak.

   But the patient is currently injured, even if he is weaker, it will be considered normal.

  Lu Xiuyan screened her back and whispered about Rong Xiuer's identity. Madam Lu was shocked and doubtful, but her suspicion was less.

  Lu Xiuyan was so anxious that she hurriedly asked Rong Xiuer if this poison could be cured? How to do?

   Mrs. Lu was still a little hesitant, hesitating, and did not make a sound.

  Rong Xiu'er glanced at Mrs. Lu and said lightly, "You can see a doctor again. It's better to wait until it's confirmed, and then talk about other things! It doesn't have to be my detoxification. Maybe other doctors have this ability too."

  Lu Xiuyan was about to say that she trusted Rong Xiuer, but before she could say it, she was stopped by Mrs. Lu gently pulling on her sleeve.

   (end of this chapter)

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