Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 823: Unexpected joy

   Chapter 823 Unexpected joy

   Mrs. Lu and Lu Xiuyan were really grateful after hearing what Rong Xiuer said.

   For Rong Xiuer's willingness to help, she expressed indescribable gratitude.

Of course, they are not confused, they naturally understand that the reason why Rong Xiuer agreed to detoxify Lu Zhifeng so happily, and even the medicine that is so difficult to obtain, doesn't need them to worry at all. It is the kindness of His Royal Highness King Yong.

   His Royal Highness King Yong, what a good man!

   Those rumors in the past were all intentional people.

   Mrs. Lu naturally understands what His Royal Highness King Yong is for, she doesn't mind.

   As long as his son can get better, he will join His Royal Highness King Yong in the future, so what?

   Xiao Jinghuai sent a confidant, and soon left Beijing, following Rong Xiuer's instructions, went to Shanxi to find the golden branches of Yuzhu.

   Xiao Jinghuai never imagined that his confidant would bring him such a big surprise when he went out this time!

   The golden branches of Yuzhu that Rong Xiuer needed took a lot of work, but in the end they got them back! In addition, the two confidants were very excited to report a big news to Xiao Jinghuai: in the process of searching for golden branches of Yuzhu in Shanxi, they found an iron ore in the depths of a desolate and remote valley somewhere uninhabited. Tibetan!

   They are not people who understand minerals, but they can see some clues just by virtue of their eyesight, and there must be a lot of iron ore reserves!

   Xiao Jinghuai is excited!

   This is a big pie that fell from the sky!

   Xiao Jinghuai thought with excitement, so it is better to be kind! The good-hearted people are watched by God, and the good-hearted people are also favored by God!

  Look, isn't he like this?

  If he didn't let Rong Xiuer go to Tai'an Bo Mansion to see a doctor for Lu Zhifeng, Rong Xiuer would not have found out that Lu Zhifeng was poisoned.

   If I didn’t agree with Rong Xiu’er to detoxify Lu Zhifeng, I wouldn’t have sent someone out of Beijing, and I wouldn’t have discovered iron ore deposits!

   That is an iron ore deposit!

  Listen to these two people, the collection is quite rich, and no one understands what this means better than him!

  With this iron ore deposit, he can secretly have more and sharper weapons, and no one will be disturbed.

   After ascending the throne in the future, these iron ore deposits will bring him a huge wealth!

  These are what he urgently needs right now, but he absolutely cannot take the initiative to send someone out of Beijing to look for them.

   Good stuff

   Xiao Jinghuai never thought of telling his father about this.

   If it was ten years ago, or even five or six years ago, he might have thought and hesitated.

   But now, the father's body has decayed to such a point that God knows how long he can live. At this time, unless he is stupid, he will tell him such an important thing!

   Now tell him, isn't it cheap for others?

   Xiao Jinghuai immediately dispatched people to secretly go out to Beijing, bringing along experienced miners to find out how much iron ore deposits there. By the way, consider starting mining.

   He can't wait any longer!

  The father and the emperor were partial. On the one hand, he banned the jade concubine, and on the other hand, he rewarded Xiao Jingye. It was disgusting!

   He doesn't want to play this kind of balancing game with him anymore.

  Who knows if he is using their brothers as stepping stones, in fact, for his infant son?

   (end of this chapter)

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