Chapter 824 Feeling Heartbroken

  Since the father is unwilling to break this balance, then let him break it!

   Anyway, he is the son of Zhonggong, the world should belong to him in the first place, and now he just took a little bit of things that belonged to him in advance!

   Xiao Jinghuai was impatient, and the people under his hands naturally worked hard.

   In less than half a month, everything was figured out, and iron ore mining was immediately carried out vigorously.

  The best thing is that there is a large and deep natural cave next to the iron ore deposit, which can be used with a little modification. It is very convenient to make iron and make weapons there!

   Xiao Jinghuai is even more certain, this is simply God's will!

   It’s because God loves me so much, so I gave me this luck!

   And in Tai'anbo Mansion.

  Rong Xiuer retrieved the antidote and began to refine the antidote. After a few days, Lu Zhifeng was able to remove the poison.

  Mrs. Lu and Lu Xiuyan breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time they trusted and relied on Rong Xiuer's medical skills, and began to beg her if she could cure Lu Zhifeng's leg.

   To them, detoxification is important, but the most important thing is to heal his legs!

  If his legs are finished, he is finished, and so are they!

   Especially thinking that Lu Xiuxun's elder brother Lu Zhikun was fine, Madam Lu and Lu Xiuyan were so angry that their hearts bleed.

The mother and daughter finally managed to brainwash Tai Anbo to hate the pair of sons and daughters sent by the Yuan partner. Do they want to live by Lu Zhikun's face in the future, but they must watch Lu Zhikun's beauty and his successor ascend to a high position. ?

   This makes them more uncomfortable than killing them!

  Rong Xiuer's character is rotten, but his medical skills are indeed nothing to say!

   As soon as she got started, she knew that Lu Zhifeng's legs wanted to recover and return to normal, unless the gods cast a spell and give him a pair of healthy legs again.

   This cannot be cured by medical skills at all.

   But Xiao Jinghuai asked her to hang the Lu family.

  The Lu family knew about the existence of Rong Xiuer, and now Xiao Jinghuai still wants to use them, naturally it is impossible for them to fall into despair.

   This injury cannot be cured, Rong Xiuer hangs them and tries to fool them as much as possible, but it is not impossible.

   It will take two or three years at most, by which time the old man may be gone, and at that time, it will not matter.

   Rong Xiuer naturally took the lead.

   Mrs. Lu and Lu Xiuyan were convinced and ecstatic.

   In other words, they were not without suspicion. But they are willing to believe what Rong Xiuer said, and they are willing to believe that what Rong Xiuer said is true, so naturally they will not think too much.

   In the blink of an eye, the autumn wind rises, the yellow leaves fall, and the weather becomes colder day by day.

  After several consecutive days of autumn rain, even though the sun was shining brightly, the temperature of summer had already subsided in the sun. It looked bright and splendid, but it was just on the surface, not warm, just dazzling.

  This change in the weather made Emperor Tianyao fall ill again.

   He coughed very badly.

   When he coughed, an unhealthy flush appeared on his thin face.

  No one knew that he even coughed up blood when he was in the bedroom, and he could hardly breathe.

  Tian Yaodi panicked in his heart.

   He knew that his body had really lost its foundation, and if he wanted to recover, it was almost impossible.

   However, the more he did, the more tightly he held the power in his hands.

   Xiao Jinghuai and Xiao Jingye were both reprimanded by him for no reason, and ministers who were quite close to the two were also reprimanded for no reason.

  Everyone knew what was going on.

   (end of this chapter)

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