Chapter 834 Mrs. Shen

   "Ah!" Rong Xiu'er screamed in horror, the courage she had built up with all her might collapsed and lost in an instant, her legs went weak, and she fell to the ground, "Ah!"

   Mrs. Shen gave her a cold look, her eyes full of disappointment.

   She really didn't expect that Rong Xiu'er did not leave the capital, but secretly joined King Yong. He didn't even expect King Yong to rebel.

   And today, she happened to enter the palace to dispense medicine for Emperor Tianyao, in that side hall.

   Once she is engaged, she is completely absorbed, and soon she is completely immersed in her own world, completely forgetting the surrounding environment.

   is also because of this, Queen Fu and Queen Yong's mother and son came in to force the palace, and the movement was not small, but she didn't hear it at all.

Haitang, who came with her, could vaguely hear the movement outside, but Haitang had to give her all her attention when she came here, and secondly, this girl is a solid-hearted girl, and it was normal to hear movement outside, and she didn't expect it. Going elsewhere, I definitely didn't think of "forcing the palace to rebel".

   After Mrs. Shen finally came to an end, her expression changed when she heard the movement outside.

   She didn't dare to act rashly, so she had to wait for it to change.

   But Rong Xiu'er was about to attack Emperor Tianyao, at this time, even if she didn't want to come out, she had to come out!

  Emperor Tian Yaodi's physical condition is very bad, she knows very well, Rong Xiu'er poisoned him, even if he didn't kill him immediately, he was very likely to toss him to a small half life.

   Mrs. Shen didn't think Xiao Jinghuai would succeed. Although she didn't know what the madness of His Royal Highness King Yong and Queen Fu was doing, how could such a thing be so easy?

  If she doesn't show up today, Emperor Yaodi will definitely settle the old account!

   Mrs. Shen suddenly appeared, startling Empress Fu, Xiao Jinghuai and others.

   Especially Rong Xiu'er, she has always respected Da Furen Shen very much, and she was also very afraid of Da Furen Shen. Because of relying on Xiao Jinghuai to do this kind of thing for Xiao Jinghuai, she felt even more guilty. When Da Furen Shen showed up, she would be scared to death.

Empress Fu was furious, glared at Madam Shen fiercely, and said coldly: "Ms. Rong, I didn't expect you to be here! This palace will give you a chance to be loyal, and hurry up and ask the emperor to write down the edict on the establishment of the prince and the Zen throne. If you count it as a great contribution, I guarantee that your Shen family will be unparalleled in prosperity and wealth from now on! Or, if you go on the side, Quan Dang doesn't see or knows anything, and this palace will spare you! Otherwise, hum, you Do you want to die?"

   Xiao Jinghuai's eyes were dark, and his heart was full of resentment.

  This Shen family really doesn't have a good thing! It really is a natural conflict with himself! At this time, inexplicably everyone from the Shen family stepped in! What is this.

Shen Da Furen took a deep breath, pinched her palms to calm herself down, and she subdued the Empress and said with a slight smile: "Empress Empress, the minister is standing here at the moment, how can you pretend that you didn't see it? How can you do this? The emperor is not only the emperor, but also the empress, your husband, and the father of His Royal Highness King Yong. It is difficult for you to do such a thing, even the ancestors of the royal family. , pull back from the precipice!"

   "You all sincerely repent, and beg the emperor. The emperor is willing to open the door if he wants to. After all, they are all close relatives, so what can't they say?"

   (end of this chapter)

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