Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 835: Take down Imperial Physician Shen

   Chapter 835 Take down Imperial Physician Shen

   "Or, there was a misunderstanding in this matter? You might as well talk it out and explain it clearly."

As soon as Mrs. Shen opened her mouth, she kept talking and chatting, her tone was neither slow nor fast, it could even be called gentle and gentle, like a gentle breeze and drizzle. change

   The atmosphere in the hall, which was tense and tense to the extreme, also subconsciously loosened a little.

But Empress Fu quickly reacted, and Liu Mei stood upright and immediately scolded Mrs. Shen: "You shut up this palace! This palace won't listen to your nonsense! It seems that you are toasting instead of eating and drinking? Order you, get out of the way! Otherwise, this palace will kill you first!"

   Mrs. Shen smiled wryly, her face tangled and embarrassed: "Empress Empress, the ministers must not retreat. The ministers must protect the emperor! With the ministers there, the ministers will never let people approach the emperor or hurt the emperor."

Emperor Tianyao was excited, he couldn't control his qi and blood, he covered his mouth and coughed piercingly, and immediately said: "Mr. Rong, you are very loyal, your Shen family are all good! Madam, give me a thousand taels of gold, a beautiful house, and a hundred pieces of various treasures!"

  No one is not afraid of death, especially when death is imminent.

  At this time, of course, it can be delayed for a moment, maybe there will be a turning point in the next moment? Tian Yaodi, who had already fallen into despair, saw Da Furen Shen rushing out and heard her words, and wanted to be happy.

   Mrs. Shen is so loyal and loyal, so of course he will reward her.

   Mrs. Shen was secretly complaining, she knew that Emperor Tianyao was bribing people's hearts, but... Your Majesty, I'm afraid you are really confused! When is this? Even if you want to reward you, you have to wait and talk about it after that!

  You say these words now, except to stimulate the Queen and King Yong, there is absolutely no use for it.

   Sure enough, when Empress Fu and Xiao Jinghuai heard what Emperor Tianyao said, their eyes immediately became more fierce.

Empress Fu giggled and sneered: "The emperor came to show kindness at such a time? Isn't it too late? The emperor's reward, Mrs. Shen must have her life to enjoy it! You two give it to me. , take down Imperial Physician Shen!"

   "Yes!" The two strong eunuchs bowed and walked towards Mrs. Shen with expressionless faces.

  Tian Yaodi's expression changed again.

   Madam Shen's expression also changed.

   However, the scene everyone imagined did not happen! Everyone may have forgotten that Madam Shen was an imperial physician, or they may only remember that Madam Shen was skilled in medicine.

   But he forgot that a doctor with excellent medical skills is definitely not so easy to bully.

   She entered the palace to dispense medicine for Emperor Tianyao, so naturally she did not dare to bring the poison and needles for self-defense with her, otherwise it would be unclear if someone found out.

   However, as long as you have a silver needle in your hand, it is still easy to deal with two eunuchs.

   When she came out of the side hall just now, she had already buckled the silver needle in her palm, but she didn't expect to use it so soon!

   The two eunuchs couldn't even figure out what happened, so they rolled their eyes and said, "Co-dong!" and "Co-dong!" They fell to the ground one after another, unconscious.

   Everyone was taken aback, Tian Yaodi was overjoyed, and he almost couldn't help but scream.

   Queen Fu was so angry that she stared at Madam Shen: "Bengong forgot for a while, you have some tricks!"

   (end of this chapter)

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