Chapter 837 Shock

  After all, when the emperor died, only his mother and son were by his side. If they were willing to believe what they said, they would believe it.

   Wouldn’t it be more confusing then?

   And even if his son's throne is finally secured, he is destined to bear the suspicion of slaughtering the monarch all his life, and he is destined to be unjustifiable in his entire life. This is what Queen Fu doesn't want to see.

  Especially when things clearly don’t have to be.

   As long as Emperor Tianyao is alive, and as long as he really makes his decree, then everything is justifiable, and no one can say anything.

   Even mining, there are ways to cover it up

  This is what Queen Fu wants.

   Who would have thought that this originally good and smooth situation was completely ruined by Mrs. Shen.

   These doctors, each and every one of them are very arrogant because they have so little skill in their hands! Empress Fu cursed in her heart, wishing she could tear Da Furen Shen apart.

   A silver light flashed in front of her eyes, Empress Fu screamed and subconsciously avoided, Xiao Jinghuai was shocked, and quickly pulled her to the side to avoid, the palace maids and eunuchs were confused and screamed in fear of such a change, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

   Mrs. Shen shot out three silver needles and immediately supported Emperor Tianyao to the apse.

  Emperor Tian Yao was dizzy, his body was weak and weak, his throat was so itchy that he gritted his teeth and did not cough out, staggering and fled with Mrs. Shen.

   "Yes, there is a secret room" Tian Yaodi breathed out and said intermittently.

   Mrs. Shen originally just wanted to take Tian Yaodi to take a few steps to escape, and to escape into the apse and close the door might be able to block it for a while.

   Xiao Jinghuai's rebellion must have already sent someone to control the palace gate, and he must have also sent someone to control the Jiucheng soldiers and horses, but the longer the delay, the more likely it is that someone will find something strange.

   As long as His Royal Highness Battle King knows, or even as long as His Highness King Qi knows, he will definitely make a difference.

   She can only hope for this now.

   Anyway, she has tried her best! If she struggled to the end and still couldn't escape such a result, then she would have nothing to say and no regrets.

   Of course, it would be great if you could not die!

   She doesn't want to die at all, she hasn't embraced her grandson and grandson yet

   Hearing that Emperor Tianyao said that there was a Mi Secret Room, Mrs. Shen was overjoyed! He hurriedly asked, "That's great! Where is the secret room? Your Majesty, please hold on for a while!"

   Emperor Tianyao nodded, pointed in the direction, and staggered to the left hall where the secret room was located with Madam Shen.

   Madam Shen just stretched out her hand to push the door of the palace, her body froze suddenly, she hurriedly pulled Emperor Tianyao to the side to dodge: "Be careful, Your Majesty!"

   She and Emperor Tianyao escaped while taking advantage of the chaos, but she never imagined that Rong Xiuer, who had been frightened and collapsed on the ground, got up at some point and quietly chased after her.

  Rong Xiu'er threw himself at Madam Shen viciously, holding the silver hairpin that had been pulled from her hair bun in her hand.

   Mrs. Shen avoided it dangerously, but there was still a small scratch on her arm. The wound was a little painful and numb, and it must have been a little bit of skin.

   Mrs. Shen didn't dare to neglect, she quickly took out a porcelain bottle, poured two pills and swallowed it.

  Rong Xiu'er laughed hahaha, complacent, "Master, it's useless, this is the latest good thing I've tinkered with, no solution! Master, you will eventually die in my hands, hahahaha!"

   (end of this chapter)

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