Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 838: distortion

   Chapter 838 Distortion

   "You lunatic!" Mrs. Shen said coldly, "I really didn't expect that I raised a white-eyed wolf!"

"How good do you think you are to me?" Rong Xiu'er said bitterly: "You are just trying to control me for your use because of my talent for medicine! In your heart, you just treat me as a tool, yes The chess piece in your hand is a slave who works for you! No wonder I betrayed you when you treat me like this!"

   Madam Shen's heart was hit hard, and she looked at Rong Xiu'er in disbelief and amazement.

   "Do you think so in your heart?"

"Isn't it?" Rong Xiu'er said bitterly: "You keep me by your side, what kind of peace do you have? One is to use my talent for your own use, and the other is just to comfort the emptiness that your daughter is not by your side! After that **** Shen Liangwei came back to you and got close to you, you only have her in your eyes, how can you still see me?"

   "From start to finish, you just used me thoroughly!"

  Speaking of Shen Liangwei, Rong Xiuer was so angry that her eyes spit fire, her jealousy was burning, her facial features were distorted and her expression was hideous.

"You, you look at Wei'er like this?" Madam Shen couldn't believe it, "You always said that you regarded Wei'er as your sister, and you always said that you expected Wei'er to come back to me, understand me, and get close to me. , looking forward to our mother and daughter reconciliation, these are all fake?"

   Mrs. Shen looked at Rong Xiuer, she couldn't be more dumbfounded.

   The person in front of her was so unfamiliar that she suddenly felt as if she had never known her.

   She never thought that her apprentice was such a person!

   How blind is her eyes?

  Rong Xiu'er sneered, seeing her so distressed and shocked reaction, she felt a burst of unexplainable extreme happiness for no reason.

She sneered and sneered: "Of course! You're stupid, do you think I'm stupid too? When there is only me in the Ivy League, and only me beside you, I am like a serious lady of the Shen family. Who dares to underestimate me? Why am I? Looking forward to that **** Shen Liangwei coming back to you? Come back to compete with me!"

She smiled maliciously and cruelly again, "I tell you, not only did I not expect her to come back to you, but I provoked a lot of things in front of her! After listening to my provocation, she became even more resentful towards you. After all, she was so stupid and deceitful at that time, hahahaha!"

   "You!" Mrs. Shen's eyes darkened, her forehead dizzy with anger.

   "I thought she would be a fool all her life, and she would make the old lady and I play around in the palm of her hand all her life. I didn't expect, oh, that **** she actually understood!"

  Rong Xiuer said with a bit of gritted teeth.

But Mrs. Shen smiled, her heart warmed, and her eyes also brought a bit of tenderness, "My Wei Er was originally a very smart girl, even if you call you wicked and vicious, you will be deceived and coaxed, sooner or later. It'll come to pass. You've wasted your time!"

These words stimulated Rong Xiu'er with red eyes and ferocious features, and screamed: "What's the use! What's the use of that! You will die soon! Die! You will never see her again! Never! !"

   Mrs. Shen sneered and looked at her with disdain and sympathy. She never thought that Rong Xiuer would be so mad!

   (end of this chapter)

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