Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 839: deserve it

   Chapter 839 Deserving it

   It turns out that it is true that there is a lack of people's hearts. There really is such a type of person in the world who never knows how to be grateful, and always speculates on people's hearts with the greatest malice - no matter whether this person is good or bad to her.

   Such a person is not worthy of being a human being, only worthy of being burned by jealousy and hatred day and night, and will never be happy and happy.

   A person with a twisted mind is both pitiful and saddened!

   The saddest thing is that she could have had a happy and peaceful life, but she chose such a path of no one and no ghost.


  Rong Xiu'er was provoked by Da Furen Shen and screamed: "Why are you looking at me like this! Don't look at me like this! You, what are you!"

   She screamed, her eyes were crazy and twisted, she had already lost her mind, and rushed towards Da Furen Shen desperately.

   Mrs. Shen was unavoidable and scuffled with her.

The crazy Rong Xiu'er didn't know where the huge strength was born. She screamed and screamed like crazy. The poisoned silver hairpin in her hand stubbornly tried to stab Mrs. Shen's face, showing how vicious her heart was. .

I don't know what kind of poison she tossed out. The effect of Da Furen Shen's detoxification pills is many times better than that of other ordinary detoxification pills, but at this moment Da Furen Shen clearly felt that her strength was draining. Consciousness seems to be gradually becoming blurred, and the brain is also a little dizzy.

   She sank in her heart, knowing that Rong Xiuer's words should not be fake, her poison is indeed quite powerful, and I'm afraid she really can't understand it for a while.

   She struggled and procrastinated desperately, just wanting to live, to live, to continue to accompany her husband and children, but in the end, it seemed that she could not do it.

   At this moment, Mrs. Shen felt surprisingly calm.

   Die if you die. As a doctor, she has to see the separation of life and death more clearly than ordinary people.

   But she didn't want to die with regret.

  Rong Xiuer, must die!

  This woman is completely crazy, vicious and insidious, plus she has the skills she has learned from herself. If she keeps her alive, she will definitely hurt her family, especially, especially Wei Er.

   When she mentioned Weier's tone, that resentment seemed to have an undeniable hatred. Madam Shen couldn't understand where she came from this hatred!

   But now she doesn't need to understand, she only knows that she must kill her!

   Mrs. Shen gave birth to a powerful force in vain, clasped Rong Xiuer's hand and turned it back, the sharp silver hairpin pierced into Rong Xiuer's chest.

  Rong Xiu'er let out a shrill scream.

   She frantically tried to drag Da Furen Shen to die with her, but in the end her strength gradually diminished, and Da Furen Shen stabbed her twice and kicked her away.

   Mrs. Shen had detoxification pills and took them in time, but Rong Xiuer didn't. The poison developed quickly and her face was pale.

She was paralyzed on the ground clutching her chest, panting, staring at Madam Shen, suddenly burst into laughter, gritted her teeth and grinned at Madam Shen: "Master, do you know? I have always— "

   She froze suddenly, her eyes widened, and a mouthful of blood spit out from her mouth.

   Her internal organs were on fire, causing her to breathe hard, her brain was rumbling, the world was spinning, and her consciousness began to blur.

   (end of this chapter)

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