Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 842: Wait for your own... what will it be

   Chapter 842 Waiting for yourself. What will it be

   As for Xiao Jinghuai slamming the door and roaring for food and drink—of course the guards outside the hall pretended to be deaf and dumb and pretended not to hear.

   Just kidding, the emperor didn't say anything, who would dare to give them food and drink? What if they were identified by the emperor as one of them? Isn't it looking for death?

   No one was so kind to remind Tianyao Emperor of their existence.

   This is not any other crime. It can be washed off with blood thicker than water. This is treason! There is absolutely no way for this mother and son to survive.

   Even if you starve to death inside, that's fine.

  Two days later, Emperor Tianyao leaned on the dragon couch with a sallow complexion, bleak eyes, and weak energy. Then he remembered Empress Fu and Xiao Jinghuai, his anger suddenly soared, he coughed violently, and almost fainted again.

   "Someone, bring that **** from the Fu family to me!" Emperor Tianyao gasped for a while, and ordered in an angry voice.

  The mother and son are both people who have never suffered hardships on weekdays. After two days of water and rice, even Xiao Jinghuai, a man, is dying and haggard, let alone Queen Fu.

  The door of the hall finally opened, and Empress Fu, who heard the decree, called her "Fu's" in a shrill voice, and smiled miserably, straightened her messy bun, and stood up staggeringly.

  Because she was so hungry, a dizziness caused her to stagger and almost fell again.

   Xiao Jinghuai looked at her in horror, his eyes full of prayer and anxiety.

  The queen was called out, so what about yourself?

   Will it be your turn soon?

   Waiting for your own. What will it be?

   Xiao Jinghuai felt a chill in his heart, filled with fear.

There was a gloomy despair on the road ahead, recalling the wealth and honor of the past - no, it doesn't need to say "the old days" so far, just two days ago, he was His Royal Highness, who was under one person and over ten thousand people. The maid is like a cloud, looking back now, those past lives seem to be far away!

  Xiao Jinghuai also staggered to his feet, looked straight at Queen Fu, moved his parched lips, and said in a hoarse voice, "Queen Mother."

   Queen Fu's tears burst out instantly.

   This is her son! her son!

   It's her fault, everything is her fault, it's because she didn't find out this terrible thing in time, so that she made a wrong step and made a wrong step, and she can't look back.

   Since being locked in, this is the first time Queen Fu has taken her son seriously.

   It was only when she realized that her son was disgraced and haggard to such an extent!

   His face turned yellow, his eyes panicked and frightened, and even his black hair lost its luster, showing a dejected gray shade.

   He was originally handsome, handsome, and elegant, and his temperament was even more outstanding, noble and unparalleled, and he was always in high spirits and full of energy.

   Now all that energy seems to have been drained, and only a skin that has lost its soul is left!

  Empress Fu felt a great pain in her heart, and couldn't help crying bitterly while covering her face.

   Liver and intestines are broken.

  Her son should be proud, honorable, and heroic, not so dejected!

   As soon as she cried, Xiao Jinghuai panicked even more, "Mother, mother."

Empress Fu turned her head ruthlessly, and with tears in her eyes, she said to the little Duke Lu, "Father, can you ask someone to bring a pot of warm tea to Huai'er? In any case, he is always the blood of the emperor, and the dignity of the royal family cannot be trampled on. "

   (end of this chapter)

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