Chapter 843 Sinner

"Besides, maybe the emperor will ask him to ask him a question for a while? Our mother and son have not stood for two days without a drop of water or a grain of rice. If there is something wrong with the emperor when he asks, wouldn't Little Eunuch Lu think about it? , I think what the Queen said makes sense."

   is nothing more than a pot of tea, and he is also happy to have a hand with a dying person, and maybe he can accumulate a little virtue.

   Little Eunuch Lu pouted at a little **** next to him: "Go get a pot of tea."

   Queen Fu was overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you father-in-law! Thank you father-in-law!"

   Little Eunuch Lu raised his eyebrows, and his waist stood proudly. arrogant.

  Tsk tsk, this is the old queen concubine!

   I had always only knelt down in front of her to be careful and respectful, but now I have turned it upside down!

   It's really a long face to be able to get a humble thank you from the Empress.

   Queen Fu glanced at Xiao Jinghuai again, she couldn't comfort the fear in his son's eyes, and she had nothing to say about his son's anxiety, let alone.

   She gave him a deep look, and finally she was cruel, turned her head, shook her head, and strode out.

  The hoarse call of "Mother! Mother!" She could only pretend that she didn't hear it, she didn't hear anything.

   Perhaps because of what Empress Fu said just now, Eunuch Lu asked someone to bring her a cup of tea before she went to see Emperor Tianyao.

  Although it is cold and not a good tea, it is obviously already an excellent thing for the current Queen Fu.

   Qianqing Palace Bedroom.

  Emperor Tianyao was dressed neatly in a dragon robe, and his hair was neatly combed. Even sitting on the head of the bed, he was full of spirit and majesty.

   It's just that his hair is dull and his eyes are lackluster, which makes him look a little shaky for no reason, like a candle in the wind, and people can't help but worry about him.

   Queen Fu was escorted in, knelt on the carpet not far from the dragon couch, and rushed up to kowtow: "The sinner sees the emperor, I respectfully ask the emperor to be safe!"

   bowed her head deeply, her forehead touched the ground, and Empress Fu's eyes were full of resentment and resentment.

   But at the moment, her whole person looks so sad and regretful.

Emperor Tianyao was holding back his stomach full of fire, waiting for Empress Fu to come and scolded her fiercely, but after seeing Empress Fu like this and hearing her calling herself a "sinner", Emperor Tianyao felt in his heart. The anger went down by half.

   Although his anger has gone down by half, it does not mean that he will forgive Queen Fu, and will let Queen Fu gently - it does not exist!

   It just means that he might be extra kind to make her suffer less unnecessary sin.

"Sinner?" Emperor Tianyao stared at her and said with a cold smile: "I will never forget the face you and your **** made when they stood in front of me and forced the palace! Mrs. Fu, I treated you well, Why do you dare to treat me like this! How dare you!"

   Queen Fu still bowed her head to the ground, her body trembled, and she whimpered, as if she could not help herself with sadness and remorse.

   But only she herself knew how much resentment she felt at the moment.

Why? Oh, what right does he have to ask why in front of her!

   Why else? Not all he forced.

  Her son is the dignified son of the palace, and he should be the prince of Daqin by the way, but he has been reluctant to establish himself, his attitude is ambiguous, and he does not reveal his words at all.

  If that Xiao Jingye was a man of outstanding virtue and talent who made great achievements for the court, then that's all.

   (end of this chapter)

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