Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 844: early in the morning

   Chapter 844 Getting up early

   But in fact? In fact - speaking of conscience, her son is not much stronger than Xiao Jingye, but Xiao Jingye is definitely not stronger than her son.

   The two of them are only half a pound!

   Then in this case, the crown prince should of course belong to her son!

   If it wasn't for his ruthlessness, Huai'er wouldn't be forced to do wrong by him!

   The reason why Huai'er has come this far, is it his own willingness? It was all his persecution as a father!

   He ruthlessly forced his son to turn against him, and even had the face to ask her why!

  If it wasn't to save her son's life and her own life, she really wanted to swear at him right now and swear at him!

   But she knew she couldn't.

   Even though she and her son had no hope, did Xiao Jingye and Concubine Yu Guifei think they were sitting on a fishing boat?

  Hehe, it's early!

   Concubine Li's slutty heart is also big, and Concubine Yugui and Xiao Jingye still have a fight with her! There is also Xiao Jingyu, who seems to be cynical and doesn't care about everything, but is he really willing to be taken away by someone who originally belonged to him?

   Doesn't he want to go back?

  Even if he didn't want to, now what?

  The idea of ​​​​people will always change as something happens and over time.

   Now she and Huai'er are out of luck, just the brains of Concubine Yugui and Xiao Jingye, oh, it's not that she looks down on people, but that their mother and son are not smart people in the first place.

   If Xiao Jingyu found out that the only adult son of the emperor is this kind of thing, even if he had no thoughts at first, he would start thinking.

   Besides, she still has the last trump card in her hand. Even if Xiao Jingyu didn't have that kind of mind, she would let him have it!

   She's waiting to see

   She'll be waiting to see!

   asked herself, she would rather this country fall into the hands of Xiao Jingyu than to fall into the hands of Xiao Jingye - a **** like Yu Guifei, never want to be the empress dowager!

  Then she will die with no end in sight!

   Queen Fu wept bitterly, remorseful and sad, trembling all over as if she was going to be exhausted and fainted in the next second.

   "Sinners are convicted of sins, sinners are convicted of sins! Sinners are fascinated by ghosts. Sinners shouldn't be fascinated by ghosts."

   "I beg the emperor, for the sake of the husband and wife for many years, please spare the lives of the sinner and Huai'er! The sinner dare not ask for anything else, just keep this life, beg the emperor! Wooooooo."

  Emperor Tianyao glared at her fiercely, full of anger, but a little gloomy in his chest.

He had prepared countless words to scold her, curse her, and slap her in the face, but before he could say a word, she said it herself, and the words he was about to say were stuck in his heart. No way to vent.

So Emperor Tianyao could only say bitterly: "You haven't changed a bit, you are still so knowledgeable and understanding, heh! Don't worry, I will not kill you, nor will I kill your son, I want you to live! I want you to live better than death, I want you to suffer and suffer, and I want you to watch me live a hundred years!"

"Fu's clan was abandoned as a commoner, and immediately entered the cold palace! The Fu family ordered the family to be raided, and all the adult males of the Fu family were beheaded to the public. The males and female relatives under the age of six were exiled to Lingnan, and they were not allowed to leave Lingnan for half a step within five generations! Xiao Jinghuai ,"

  Emperor Tianyao thought of his son's cruel and cruel smile, and hated him!

   (end of this chapter)

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