Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 855: Li Fei's ambition

   Chapter 855 Concubine Li's Ambition

   On the contrary, the more anxious you are, the more you want to get better quickly, but the more you get angry, the slower you get better!

The slower the   , the more anxious Emperor Tianyao became, such a vicious circle.

  Emperor Tianyao's temper also became more and more irritable, and he was often reprimanded. Almost every day in the Qianqing Palace, little eunuchs and little palace maids were punished.

   Even the company of Concubine Li and the little prince did not make Emperor Tianyao feel any better.

   Concubine Li was apprehensive, frightened and frightened, for fear that if the emperor went crazy and punished her, wouldn't it be bad?

   At this time, Concubine Li couldn't help but feel a little regretful. If Concubine Yugui said she wanted to move her out of the Qianqing Palace and she agreed, wouldn't there be no such trouble now?

   Now it's better, she lives in the Qianqing Palace, the emperor is moody, and the concubines next to him dare not come to disturb and can avoid it from afar, but she is absolutely unavoidable.

   Not only can’t avoid it, but most of the day is spent in front of the emperor. After a few days, my spirit will collapse, and I will be awakened by nightmares from time to time at night!

   When I woke up in the morning, I looked haggard and looked so ugly!

   Ugly is ugly, and you have to force yourself to carefully describe and apply makeup, and when you reappear in front of the emperor, you must not have such a general look.

   Concubine Li is going crazy.

  In the palace of King Yong, Xiao Jingyu spends most of the time with Shen Liangwei in the palace, and only goes to Xiao Jingye casually every day for a scene.

  Shen Liangwei would go back to Shen's house every day to visit her mother, and Xiao Jingyu naturally accompanied her.

   Mrs. Shen's body was improving day by day, and Shen Liangwei was finally completely relieved. Mrs. Shen also held her daughter's hand with a smile and told her not to come here every day. It's not good to go back and forth like this every day.

   Shen Liangwei thought for a while, then nodded and smiled.

   Xiao Jingyu said: "Mother-in-law, don't worry, you were poisoned to save the emperor. Weier and I came to visit, as we should!"

  So, it wasn't that Xiao Jingyu, the war king, had some unreasonable thoughts and ran to the Shen's house every three days, but came to express his condolences and gratitude for his emperor's uncle!

   Shen Liangwei understood the implication of what he said and couldn't help but smile.

   There is also some injustice for the mother.

  Emperor Tianyao was indeed a very cold person. His mother saved him by risking his life, but what happened? For so long, I have not seen anyone from the palace expressing concern or greetings, nor have I seen any expression from Emperor Tianyao!

   Of course, no one cares about his expression, but it's just chilling!

   Following such a cold-hearted king. Shen Liangwei can only say that, fortunately, he doesn't seem to have a long life.

   On this day, Xiao Jingyu received a secret letter sent by the dark guard through secret channels.

  The wording in the secret letter was rather rude, asking Xiao Jingyu to quickly think of a way to treat Emperor Tianyao's body well, and let him send more people to visit famous doctors all over the country and search for prescriptions for prolonging life.

   Xiao Jingyu sneered after reading it, and threw the secret letter into the incense burner, a burst of smoke suddenly burst into flames, burning the secret letter to ashes.

   This secret letter was written by Li Fei.

  No one knew that Concubine Li was a chess piece he secretly placed in the palace before.

   Originally, she just wanted her to provoke the relationship between Queen Fu and Concubine Yu, so that the two would fight more fiercely and outrageously.

   (end of this chapter)

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