Chapter 856 Flatbread

  I didn't expect Concubine Li to be so proud of her belly that she was pregnant! And also gave birth to a little prince for Emperor Tianyao!

   However, since Concubine Li gave birth to a little prince, lived in the Qianqing Palace, and her mother rose with her son, she gradually became less obedient.

   When Xiao Jingyu went to the Qianqing Palace to greet him, Concubine Li would always avoid him on purpose and never meet him at all, or was he guilty?

   And Empress Xiao Jinghuai Fu and her son completely collapsed. Concubine Li originally had the opportunity to speak in front of Emperor Tianyao, quietly asking for a lot of benefits for Xiao Jingyu, but Concubine Li did nothing.

Concubine Li did not get rid of Xiao Jingyu immediately. She sent him the first secret letter a few days ago. The words in the letter were full of temptation. In summary, the meaning was to let Xiao Jingyu cooperate with her and support her son. Once his son ascended the throne, he must be canonized as regent.

You must know that her son is still young, and Tianyao Emperor's physical condition, even Concubine Li does not have much confidence, and feels that even if she dies, Tianyao Emperor can live for eight or nine years at most, even if it is God Blessed!

   To say that he can live until his son is an adult? Li Fei didn't believe it!

   But if my son is eight or nine years old, that's enough! As long as he manages well over the years and makes Emperor Tianyao like his son more and more and hate Qi King Xiao Jingye more and more, there is still great hope that the throne will be passed on to his son.

   Moreover, when his son is still young and underage, how could Xiao Jingyu resist the temptation to be the regent?

   One is the regent who holds real power, and the other is the idle prince who is under suspicion. You don’t need to think about it to know how to choose!

   Of course, Concubine Li was just throwing a "regent" pie to Xiao Jingyu. At that time, of course she couldn't let Xiao Jingyu become the regent with real power, and her son would be false.

   With his embarrassing status, it would be easier for her to mix things up.

In the secret letter   , Concubine Li not only painted a big cake for Xiao Jingyu and promised an extremely bright future, but also revealed a smug gesture of grace, intentionally or unintentionally.

   Xiao Jingyu smiled and didn't give her any answer.

   Concubine Li didn't care until he got an answer. After all, he didn't refuse, didn't he?

  There is no rejection, that is the default.

  His Royal Highness, after all, he is a little proud, and some cannot save face.

  There are some things that we all know each other well, but we don’t have to say it!

  So, within a few days, the confident Concubine Li sent a secret letter to Xiao Jingyu again.

   This time, the tone became a little bossy and condescending.

   It seems that Xiao Jingyu has promised to cooperate with her to promote her son to the top, and now is the time when he has to give something.

  How could Xiao Jingyu pay attention to her?

   Her role was originally to provoke Empress Fu and Concubine Yugui, and when necessary, speak a word or two in front of Emperor Tianyao.

   Now that Empress Fu and Xiao Jinghuai have collapsed, the existence of Concubine Li has become dispensable.

  With her there, it is naturally convenient to do things; but even without her, it doesn't matter.

   will not have much influence on Xiao Jingyu.

   Xiao Jingyu noticed her ambition and didn't plan to intervene. Instead, he wanted to see what she could do and how far she could go.

   (end of this chapter)

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