Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 875: Shen Liangwei was instantly relieved

   Chapter 875 Shen Liangwei suddenly felt

  Emperor Tianyao naturally wouldn't stay too much, so he said politely, each with a reward, and ordered everyone to have a good life and send everyone out of the palace.

Back at the Zhan Wangfu, Xiao Jingyu explained the relationship between Concubine Li and himself to Shen Liangwei carefully, and said again: "Since I realized that she has ambitions, this king has cut off contact with her. I thought she was a smart person, If you have ambition, you will get out of the way and stay far away from this king."

   "I didn't expect that she would be so bold, with such a big face, that she dared to change her body and think of her as a person of the same status as this king and approached this king to talk about cooperation, huh!"

   Xiao Jingyu laughed sarcastically, but he had a big face!

   A slave, even if he becomes a favorite concubine, he can't get rid of his petty arrogance and shallow-eyed stupidity. He Xiao Jingyu will cooperate with her unless he is blind.

  Shen Liangwei immediately understood: So that's what happened.

   But, thinking that Concubine Li deliberately met Xiao Jingyu like this, and deliberately said those ambiguous words, Shen Liangwei still felt a little tasteful in her heart.


Shen Liangwei glanced at Xiao Jingyu, and her tone was sour: "Your Highness thinks so, but concubine Li may not be like that, but they have never dared to forget the past! Your Highness, what is the past between you and her? You don't know anything about your concubine. Woolen cloth?"

  Xiao Jingyu: "."

"What nonsense are you listening to her!" Xiao Jingyu hugged her and kissed her with a smile, with a pampered smile: "That's just a servant girl under this king's hand, this king didn't put her in his eyes before, and it's the same now! She's like that! Depending on the situation, in the eyes of this king, he is nothing but a clown, how can this king have a past with her? This king only has a past with Wei Er."

  Shen Liangwei "Puchi!" Laughing loudly, her pretty face flushed, she shook her hand and smiled: "Your Highness, you are precious and high above, you never dared to think about your concubine before!"

  Xiao Jingyu laughed: "Okay, it's this Wang Xiaoxiang!"

   Shen Liangwei's pretty face was even redder, but there was a burst of sweetness in her heart.

   Xiao Jingyu smiled lowly, hooked her face and kissed her.

  In the palace, when the palace banquet was over, Genius just got dark for a while.

   stepped out of Xinhua Hall, and was blown by the cold air, the anger and anger in Yu Guifei's chest dissipated a little, she took a deep breath, looked up at the deep and blue night sky, and sneered.

  These sluts, one or two are not good things!

   Suspicion of her at the moment, but she has the courage to let her go!

  Have the ability, they can rely on the old man for a lifetime.

   Yu Guifei gritted her teeth secretly.

   Halfway through, she suddenly stopped, flicked her cloak, turned around, and walked towards Leng Palace with an expressionless face.

   Such a happy day of great reunion, how could Queen Fu be missing - oh no, how could the sinner Fu family be missing?

   She should go and share with her!

  Other people made her feel unhappy. She couldn't go back right now, but she didn't plan to keep holding it back, she always had to find someone to vent. Who is more suitable than the sinner Fu Shi?

   There is only one Fu family in the cold palace.

  Although it was dilapidated, but Emperor Tianyao didn't let her die, she naturally wouldn't die, and there would be someone to take care of her every day, which wouldn't make her life very comfortable, but it certainly wouldn't be to the point where she would freeze to death.

   However, for Fu Shi, who has been pampered since childhood, this living environment is enough to make her life better than death.

   (end of this chapter)

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