Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 876: I don't know if the imperial concubine can sit in the back seat

   Chapter 876 I don't know if the imperial concubine can sit in the back seat

When    Concubine Jade appeared in front of her brightly, she was also stunned when she saw the woman curled up in the corner of the cold palace with broken doors and windows.

This woman was wearing dark red coarse cloth clothes that could not be seen to be old-fashioned, plain, without a single embroidery. The woman's skin was loose, her face was sallow, her eyes were sunken, cloudy, and her hair was white and black. She curled up and looked up at the jade. When she was a noble concubine, countless folds were wrinkled on her forehead, and she was old-fashioned.

   If she wasn't sure that she didn't come to the wrong place, how could Concubine Yu dare to believe that the ugly old woman in front of her was actually the graceful, elegant and unparalleled Empress Fu of the past!

   It's only been so many days, her fair and delicate, radiant face has been wrinkled like this! There is also the black hair, which is held in a noble bun and decorated with hairpin rings, so noble that it is too noble to look directly at it.

   Now this old woman is not only ugly, but also lifeless, like a homeless and exiled refugee.

"Hahahaha!" Concubine Yugui laughed, her sullen anger finally swept away, and a schadenfreude smile appeared on her beautiful face with delicate makeup: "Isn't this the noble and generous Empress of the past? A day like this is really eye-opening! If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, oh, who would have thought that this was the queen of a country on the phoenix seat in the past!"

  Empress Fu's eyes gradually condensed and became colder. She stared at Concubine Yugui with a gloomy gaze. She laughed suddenly and said casually, "I don't know if Concubine can get what she wants and sit in the back seat?"

   Concubine Yu's smile stopped, and she glared at the Empress.

Empress Fu smiled even more happily, "It seems that the imperial concubine did not get what she wished for! I am still the only queen of the emperor, who is stronger than the imperial concubine! This is quite confusing, it is said that no one can be with His Royal Highness King Qi now. No matter what I think in my heart, this world will always fall into the hands of His Royal Highness King Qi in the future, and the concubine will enshrine the empress.

   "Oh, I almost forgot! It won't be New Year's Eve in a few days, right? After New Year's Eve, it will be New Year's Eve. Could it be that the emperor intends to canonize Concubine Concubine as Empress on the first day of the New Year? Congratulations Concubine! Congratulations!"

   "Shut up for me!" Concubine Yugui couldn't bear it any longer, and was so angry that she was bullied in her chest.

   This bitch, this mouth is so cheap!

   Queen Fu laughed, "I congratulate the imperial concubine from the bottom of my heart, why is the imperial concubine unhappy? Don't say that the imperial concubine doesn't want to be the queen! Could it be that the noble concubine is so splendid, do you want to let the virtuous?"

   "You—" Imperial Concubine Yu became even more angry.

  For some reason, when Queen Fu said the word "Rang Xian", she subconsciously thought of Concubine Li.

  Bah! Concubine Li, that bitch, what kind of "virtuous"? Why is she arguing with herself?

Concubine Yu Gui sneered bitterly: "The mother and son of this palace have their own opinions, so I don't need to worry about the empress of the past! This palace knows what filthy thoughts you have, and you deliberately ridiculed this palace like this, but it's just a matter of I just want to provoke the relationship between this palace and the emperor! This palace will not be fooled by you!"

   "Hmph, you only have that little skill left now!" Concubine Yugui held her head high with contempt in her eyes to show her awe-inspiring aura.

   (end of this chapter)

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