Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 880: This artificial tone

   Chapter 880 This artificial tone

"Your Majesty, Concubine Li is too young and her qualifications are shallow. This New Year's celebration is a major event. If she is unfamiliar with the rules or makes a joke out of nervousness, how can the royal face be saved? Why don't you do it this way next year? What does the emperor think?"

   Concubine Jade is also considered to be smart. She didn't say that Concubine Li could not be blunt, but she saved some face for Emperor Tianyao.

   Next year's affairs will be discussed next year, but this year, Li Fei must not be on an equal footing with her!

   "Sister Noble Concubine," Concubine Li was immediately aggrieved, "At that time, there will be Mammy by my side, and the supervisor of the ceremonies will give instructions, and my sister will be with me. You can't help but give some tips. My sister will be careful, how can you go wrong?"

   "I can't tell, it's the elder sister who refuses to mention the younger sister?"

   This pretentious tone!

   If this was left in the past, Concubine Yu Gui would have slapped her face with a slap, how could she be so presumptuous in front of her?

  But now, she can't.

"Sister is joking," Yu Guifei said coldly, "there will be so many people and such a solemn scene, how can this palace be distracted and give you pointers? Since you talk like this, you are worried that you can't do well by yourself. So, why do you have to do this?"

  Tian Yaodi's face suddenly darkened.

  How could he not see the dissatisfaction and anger of Yu Guifei?

  If he is the emperor, she is this kind of attitude?

  Emperor Tianyao remembered very clearly that Concubine Yugui was not so arrogant in front of him in the past. It can be seen that this woman really trembled and was unscrupulous.

"Okay, noble concubine, isn't there a few days left? You will take advantage of these few days to give good advice to Concubine Li, Concubine Li is smart, and it will not be difficult to learn. Besides, as long as there are no mistakes, who will Dare to be picky?"

   "But, Your Majesty—"

   "Enough is enough," Tian Yaodi said beyond doubt, "This matter is settled like this!"

   Concubine Li was obedient and bowed her knees shyly and saluted: "Yes, Your Majesty, the concubine obeys the order! Rest assured, Your Majesty, the concubine will definitely study hard and will not embarrass the Emperor!"

   These words made people feel relieved, and Tian Yaodi nodded slightly to her, showing a little smile.

   Yu Guifei suffers from liver pain.

   If she had any more opinions, she would be "resisting the decree"? Li Fei this bitch!

   Concubine Yu had no choice but to bow in a condescending manner: "Yes, Your Majesty, since this is the case, the concubine will definitely give good advice to Concubine Li's sister."

   Back at Yilan Palace, Concubine Yu Gui raised her hand and smashed her favorite set of tea cups.

   Last night, Queen Fu's words kept repeating in her mind, constantly impacting her sanity, inciting, seducing, like a raging tide, stirring her mind into a mess.

   Concubine Li, Concubine Li! With this **** around, her life is really difficult, very difficult! What Vaughan said was not wrong at all.

   If only this **** disappeared.

  No, how stupid is she? What's up with this bitch? The little prince. If the little prince is gone, Concubine Li is a tiger with a tooth pulled out, worse than a cat!

  If the little prince is gone, the emperor will only have one son, Jingye!

   Even if he really doubts himself, so what?

   Besides, you can do it cleanly, as long as there is no evidence, you are the emperor, and you can’t do anything about yourself!

Once the idea of ​​   takes root, it cannot be removed.

  The more Yu Guifei thought about it, the more she couldn't let it go, the more she wanted to do it!

   (end of this chapter)

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