Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 881: There are many people who are short-sighted and confused

   Chapter 881 There are many short-sighted and confused people

  She has had enough of this **** Li Fei!

   This **** doesn't even know what proportion is, and it's too ugly to eat.

   If she forbears and does nothing, so many people in the palace are watching, I'm afraid she will fall to Concubine Li's side.

   After all, there are many people who are short-sighted and confused.

   Concubine Yu's heart was beating wildly and her mind was spinning rapidly. She had to think of a way to do it.

   Originally, Concubine Yugui only had this idea, but it is not easy to turn an idea into an actual action.

   Especially is such a big event!

   However, something happened the next day, which Yu Guifei couldn't bear for a moment.

   Her tea was poisoned! The poisonous palace maid was caught and killed on the spot, and this maid was the little maid in her Yilan Palace who was a sweeper. She was usually quiet and honest, but she was bribed to do it. Such a thing!

   "This slut! Turned against her! Ben Gong is at odds with her!"

   Concubine Yu is going crazy!

   She didn't even think about it, so she put this matter on Concubine Li's head.

Because only Concubine Li can compete with her in the entire palace, and if she dies, Jingye will have no helpers in the harem. Over time, the relationship between father and son will naturally become estranged, and the emperor will naturally become closer to the little prince and Li. Concubine.

   Also, Concubine Li has no brains and is very daring. She dares to fight with herself and rob her of anything, so it is not surprising that she would be so daring to bribe the little palace maid to murder her!

   This is exactly what Li Fei would do.

   Concubine Yu ordered to block the news and ordered the body of the little palace maid to be disposed of quietly without saying a word to the outside world.

   After all, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and this big New Year's Day has brought a life lawsuit. The emperor is old and ill, so he might be more taboo about this!

   Really made trouble, even if he was wronged by this matter, he would definitely be angry with himself.

   is worth the loss.

   Concubine Li, that little bitch, is a good calculus! Deliberately stuck at this time to make trouble!

very good

  Since she is the first year of junior high school, then don't blame others for being the fifteenth! She will never spare this little bitch!

   Let's see how long she can stay mad for a few days.

   has been forced to this point, if she doesn't fight back, she will not be Yu Guifei.

   With this anger, Concubine Yu Gui immediately discussed with her confidants Xi Ma and Chun Ying, and asked Xi Ma to thoroughly investigate the few palace maids and eunuchs serving the little prince.

   As long as you check carefully, you will always find a breakthrough.

   As long as there is one person who can be pinched by her, this thing can be done.

   Now is the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, and the little prince is still so young, even if something really happened, it would be because of his own bad life, who is to blame?

   Such a small child is not easy to raise, besides, this is an old man.

   No matter what, Concubine Yu has been entrenched in the palace for so many years, and now that there is no enemy of Queen Fu, and she is in power, it is quite easy for her people to check something in this palace.

   In just two days, Concubine Yugui found out that one of the eunuchs serving the little prince had a younger brother outside the palace, at his uncle's house on the outskirts of Beijing.

   This little **** was sold into the palace by his uncle. In exchange, the uncle's family must take care of his younger brother.

   (end of this chapter)

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