Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 882: Lunar New Year's eve

   Chapter 882 New Year's Eve

   He was chosen to serve by the little prince's side. Although his status was still low, he had more money.

   He was worried about his younger brother, and he took out all the money he had saved the previous month and handed it over to his uncle's family.

   That's fine.

  Many palace maids and eunuchs were selected from other places when they were very young. The origins of many people have long been sealed, and it is not easy to find them.

  After all, there are too many files, and Nishima is not literate at all.

   These palace maids and eunuchs left home when they were young, and they were not very sensible. Many of their impressions of their family members were vague. Even if they remembered, they would be indifferent after not seeing them for many years.

   Or the home is far away from the capital. It is too time-consuming and laborious to investigate their family and get a handle on their family.

   And now that the Meng family has collapsed, on Xiao Jingye's side, Emperor Tianyao may have sent someone to watch it secretly. Once he sends someone out of Beijing, it will definitely attract attention.

   This is still the best!

   is very close, and he is very, very concerned about his only younger brother.

  If he promises him, as long as he does such a thing for him, he will definitely make his younger brother safe and have a good future. Presumably, he will definitely agree.

   It's not okay if you don't agree - if you don't agree, his younger brother will not be able to live! Even he couldn't survive.

   Knowing his plan, how could he let him go?

   Even if he is the person serving the little prince, as a noble concubine, it is an easy thing to kill him as a little eunuch!

   And he did this for himself. As long as he acts cautiously, he may not be found out. At most, the maids and eunuchs serving by the little princes will be beaten and sent to do rough work.

   It doesn't matter, when the limelight passes, she will save him out.

   These words were said by Concubine Yu Gui to deceive the little eunuch.

   helped her do such a terrible thing, how could he still be alive? If it leaked out, wouldn't it be the end?

   Only dead people can best keep secrets.

   The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Concubine Yugui didn't want to let this kind of thing ruin her good deeds of taking over the great congratulations of the wives inside and outside. After all, this kind of good thing used to be only enjoyed by the queen, and she could only stand on the side and be greedy.

   I finally had such an opportunity this year, and of course it couldn’t be destroyed.

   Therefore, let him live a few more days for that little thing that should never have come to this world.

   In the blink of an eye, on New Year's Eve, the palace of the King of War has already been decorated with flowers.

   Years ago, countless people came to visit, Shen Liangwei was busy with social events and was busy, and it was not easy.

   It wasn't until New Year's Eve that I was relieved to be able to relax a bit.

  There are only two masters in the Zhan Wangfu, and there are not many servants, but they are all carefully selected by Xiao Jingyu, and the atmosphere is very good.

  Everyone greeted the New Year and joked, which was very lively.

  Shen Liangwei and Xiao Jingyu had dinner together, joked and played with everyone for a while, and watched the people playing cards, drinking, eating melon seeds and chatting very lively, Xiao Jingyu suddenly approached Shen Liangwei and smiled softly: "Do you want to go back?"

   "Huh?" Shen Liangwei was stunned for a moment, then her eyes lit up, and her face was slightly bright: "You, you mean the Shen family? Is it alright?"

Of course, I wanted to go back to my parents' house. I wanted to accompany my parents, brothers and sisters, but after all, this year is the first year after marrying Xiao Jingyu. Even if there are no elders in the Zhan Wangfu except the two, this is not too bad. OK.

   (end of this chapter)

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