Chapter 895 Panic

   is not a fool, what is there to hear from the emperor? Yushi Lu was too daring, he kicked the iron plate

   Anyone with a little heart knows that the emperor places great importance on the throne of Jiangshan. How can others be allowed to covet it?

   Even now there is only one adult son of His Royal Highness King Qi, but this country still belongs to the emperor!

  Xiao Jingye, who was standing among the courtiers and nobles, felt his brain explode, rumbling loudly, and his face was hot and hot.

   His feet were weak, and all his strength seemed to be taken away from him! Can't wait to find a seam to get in.

  The father emperor has been in the court since the beginning, his face is expressionless, and he has not given him a single look, completely pretending that he does not exist.

   He knew that the royal father was annoying him.

   Xiao Jingye did not expect that his father's reaction would be so great!

   Lu Yushi's memorial was written by him after discussing and discussing it with a few confidants. After deliberation, deliberation, deletion and deletion, polishing and polishing, he finally got it out.

   The meaning of this memorial has just arrived, it is very peaceful and euphemistic, and it will never cause any discomfort - at least, it will never be for normal people.

   Besides, as a minister in the DPRK, it is also a duty to be concerned about the establishment of the crown prince. It is a matter of course. This is also a manifestation of worrying about the country, isn't it?

   Care about the affairs of the country in an upright and candid manner, why not?

  My father and my father did not allow anyone to mention this to this point?

  He is definitely not targeting the baby kitten, the kitten is still young and doesn't understand anything, the father and the emperor can't come to him, this, this is all directed at himself

   Xiao Jingye was terrified and chaotic, the more he thought about it, the more terrified he became, almost despairing!

  Will the father, the royal father, the royal father hate him from now on because of this? Will he fall out of favor from now on because of this? ?

   Xiao Jingye didn't dare to think deeply.

After    went down to court, Xiao Jingye was still confused, his feet were deep and his feet were shallow, and he didn't even know how he left the court.

   He returned to the mansion in a daze, and subconsciously immediately ordered someone to invite Xiao Jingyu over! His heart was full of fear, and only the moment of his cousin who had helped him completely defeat Xiao Jinghuai would make him feel at ease.

   But immediately he stopped the servant who was about to turn around to invite Xiao Jingyu.

can not go.

   At least not for now.

   If at this juncture, the father and the emperor know that he is in private contact with his cousin, it will be even more finished!

   Who knows if the royal father sent someone to spy on it? Anyway, he is now like a bird frightened, he can't believe anything.

   Xiao Jingye didn't expect - even Xiao Jingyu never imagined that Xiao Jingye would be so unlucky!

   Later, Xiao Jingyu got the news and could only ridicule with a big heart: This is God's will!

   It was precisely in these two or three days that Concubine Yu finally couldn't wait any longer, forcing the little **** to act.

The fact was just as Concubine Yu Gui expected, the little **** was forced to listen to her, had to be coerced by her, and was forced by her to be unable to delay it any longer. It just so happened that the opportunity came on this day. There was no one in front of the little prince. The thick brocade was covering the little prince's head and face

   It's just a child, how can it stand up to such a ruthless means of this little eunuch?

   After doing his work, he quietly left, returned to his residence, and immediately collapsed to the ground trembling, gasping for breath, unable to get up from the ground after a while, and then fell ill.

   Free on the 15th



   (end of this chapter)

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