Chapter 896 Shock

   On the little prince's side, the wet nurse and the little palace maid and the little **** who are on duty today to take care of the little prince have no idea that something big has happened!

  This is the Qianqing Palace, the safest place in the entire palace. There may be loopholes anywhere, but the Qianqing Palace will never have them.

  Especially after Empress Fu, Queen Yong and her son forced the palace to rebel, the Qianqing Palace underwent a major cleaning, and the security was perfectly guarded and watertight.

  Because of this, the maids and eunuchs serving in the Qianqing Palace did not have much vigilance, and they were in a very relaxed state on weekdays.

   is even less likely to take the initiative to guard against anything.

   Because everyone subconsciously thinks that this is not necessary! The Qianqing Palace is absolutely safe, and no one dares to do anything!

   Therefore, this extreme self-confidence has just become the biggest loophole, which makes it easy to drill.

  Even if the maids, eunuchs and nurses who are serving him are a little bit wary, they will not allow the sleeping little prince to be left alone.

  Unfortunately, there is none!

   In fact, the nanny didn't leave for a long time, she just felt a little thirsty, so she went to the tea room to drink tea, and chatted with the maids for a while, which added up to less than two quarters of an hour.

   But it was less than two quarters of an hour, but it was enough for the little **** to do what he wanted to do smoothly.

   After the nurse came back, she didn't realize anything was wrong, she just thought the little prince was still sleeping.

  The little prince usually sleeps longer at this time of day, so the nurse doesn't care.

   Until later, she suddenly realized that today, the little prince's sleep time seemed to be a little too long.

  Nanny's heart skipped a beat, thinking that the little prince was sick, right? If this happens if you suffer from a cold and have a fever, you will not be in a good mood, and naturally you will not be noisy or noisy. Otherwise, how can you sleep for such a long time on weekdays?

   Nanny was worried and hurriedly stepped forward to see.

  As a result, when I saw it, I realized that something was wrong.

   The child looks like, doesn't seem to want to be asleep.

  The nanny stretched out her hand tremblingly, and when she touched it, her tentacles were cold!

   Nanny's heart skipped a beat, and the hand who touched the little prince's face subconsciously reached over to the little prince's nose, and there was no movement at all!

  Little prince. Not breathing!

   "Boom!" The nurse's head exploded instantly, her hands and feet were instantly cold, she stood there with her eyes wide open, and after a while, she let out a shrill scream of "Ah!" and fell to the ground.

There was chaos in the Qianqing Palace, cries, shouts, screams, the hurried footsteps of the palace maids, eunuchs, and imperial doctors, the screams of the concubine Li, the countless voices and the chaos softened together, A terrifying atmosphere was formed, and it was so overwhelming that people could hardly breathe!

   In fact, where is the need for an imperial physician?

   As long as he is a normal person, as long as he reaches out and probes, he can be clearly certain that the little prince is gone!

   It was just that Concubine Li refused to accept this fact, so she cried out and called the imperial physician for diagnosis and treatment, and asked the imperial physician to save the little prince.

   The final result is nothing but futile!

"No! No! It's impossible! It's impossible! The little prince will be fine, no! The little prince is an old man given to the emperor by God. With the blessing of the emperor, the little prince will be fine! This palace Don't believe, don't believe woo woo woo"

   (end of this chapter)

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