Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 931: What is the father thinking in his heart?

   Chapter 931 What the **** was the father thinking in his heart

Xiao Jingye couldn't help but sigh: "It's fortunate that you are still here, my cousin, otherwise, this king doesn't even have anyone to talk about! Those ministers, all of them are hypocritical, sane, oh, in fact, they are full of stomachs. Isn't it a profit calculation? Pretend in front of this king!"

   "Cousin's words are serious. The ministers are listening to you now. You are the only one who follows your lead.

   Xiao Jingyu's face was light, the more so, the more Xiao Jingye felt that he had no desires and no desires and was worthy of trust.

However, after hearing Xiao Jingyu's words, Xiao Jingye felt even more depressed, and said with a sneer, "Only the king's horse is the first to follow? This cousin is really joking! The father's current attitude is not pleasing to the eyes of this king, if that is the case. The child is still here, I am afraid that this king will end up like Xiao Jinghuai immediately, hehe! If this king is not now the only son of the father, I am afraid that no one will be willing to give this king another look!"

"Cousin, what do you think the royal father thinks in his heart? Now there are only the king and his father and son left. The king is not in a hurry. Sooner or later, this position must belong to the king. Why does the royal father do this? I hate this king! It's impossible, he still suspects this king. Is this king so stupid!"

   Xiao Jingyu: "Your Majesty. Your Majesty may have been frightened by what Xiao Jinghuai did, so he was suspicious of you."

   Xiao Jingye was suddenly speechless, and his heart was even more depressed. What does Xiao Jinghuai's actions have to do with him? What Xiao Jinghuai did was not his! Do you want him to take the blame?

   "This king is not reconciled! This is so inexplicable!"

Xiao Jingye was very irritable: "It's all over, the father and the emperor still refuse to canonize this king as the prince, what is he waiting for? There is also the mother-in-law, how he treats the mother-in-law like that, so how do the subjects and people in the world think of it? This king, what do you think of this king? This king is going to ascend the throne in the future, and now he throws this king’s face on the ground and tramples on it, so humiliates this king, and tramples on this king’s dignity, does this king want no face?”

   "After ascending the throne in the future, what will be the face of this king!"

   Xiao Jingye was really irritable and resentful.

   To say that people's desires are all progress, and when they get good, they want better. For example, in the past, he only hoped that he could become the crown prince and succeeded the throne. Now this is definitely something in his pocket. Of course, he also wants a good reputation and a decent reputation.

   Moreover, Tian Yaodi's disgust and suppression of him are indeed too unreasonable and unreasonable, so why can't he be unwilling?

   Xiao Jingyu pondered: "So, the cousin wants to reverse the impression of the emperor's uncle?"

Xiao Jingye's eyes lit up, he nodded quickly, and couldn't wait to say: "Exactly! This king is so filial to his father, I just want my father to see the filial piety of this king, and to make my father treat this king a little better! Cousin, do you have anything? good idea?"

  The father and his father are kind and filial to the son. This is the correct relationship between father and son. In this way, when the father and the emperor die and ascend the throne, they will get a good reputation and honor!

  Otherwise, it always feels like something is missing, but instead, there is an inexplicable feeling of guilty conscience.

   This was something Xiao Jingye would not bear no matter what.

   Now, what he wants is not only the throne, but also a very respectable and honorable one.

   (end of this chapter)

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