Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 932: Xiao Jingyu hesitates

   Chapter 932 Xiao Jingyu hesitates

   He could not tolerate the slightest smear of his personal dignity.

  Since there is a chance to be decent, why not?

   Xiao Jingyu had a headache, but he smiled helplessly and said, "Cousin, you are too embarrassing, how can it be so easy?"

  Xiao Jingye was refreshed after hearing what he said, and hope was born in his heart: "Cousin, this king knows that you will definitely come up with a solution, so please help this king!"

   Xiao Jingyu hesitated.

   "Cousin, please!"

"Cousin, please don't say that," Xiao Jingyu smiled and pondered: "This matter is difficult or easy, and easy is also easy. In fact, it is to change Uncle's views. Uncle has given birth to you now. Misunderstanding, as long as you let him see your filial piety and let him know that you respect him and respect him, he will naturally wake up and change if he is touched.”

  Xiao Jingye was suddenly enlightened and nodded frequently, but soon became frustrated again.

   sighed and said, "Cousin said such a truth, but the problem is also here! Who knows how this king must be a father to be moved and change his misunderstanding of this king?"

  Imagine the picture of the father being kind and filial to the son, and imagine the father and the emperor looking at him with satisfaction and satisfaction in front of the court officials, nodding to himself frequently, and complimenting him repeatedly, what a good thing that is!

   Just thinking about it, Xiao Jingye can't wait for this scene to become a reality immediately.

   Xiao Jingyu flashed ridicule in his eyes, and said sternly: "If you want to impress Uncle Huang, then you will naturally see what you have done, cousin."

   As long as you do something that moves him, of course he will change.

   Xiao Jingye: "So, cousin, what do you think this king needs to do?"

   "Cousin, what is there to say between us brothers? Just talk and listen, this Prince's Island, you must have an idea!"

  Xiao Jingyu smiled with the look of being seen through by him, and hesitantly said: "I really have one, but I don't think I am mature enough."

  Xiao Jingye is so anxious now that he only wants to have a decent view, so where else can he care?

  What is mature or immature, as long as you can do it, even if it is a little scheming, in his opinion, it is nothing.

  Xiao Jingye pleaded in every possible way, applying both hard and soft, and even a little bit of persecution, Xiao Jingyu just explained it.

   "Uncle Huang is suspicious of you now. If you want to impress him and impress him, ordinary things won't work, you must take heavy medicine!"

   "For example, if you find any precious medicinal herbs that are suspected to cure all kinds of diseases and prolong life, and offer them up, the uncle will definitely be delighted."

   "Or, when an accident happens, you don't hesitate to stand in front of the uncle, and the uncle will definitely be moved!"

   "If the uncle is still not moved by this, then it can't be said, don't you think?"

   Xiao Jingye pondered and nodded slowly.

   That's right

   He thought a little more deeply. The father and emperor cherished his life, but if he saved his life and benefited his life, he would definitely be happy.

   At the same time, this also proves from the side that he cares about him and doesn't expect him to die early and think about his throne, right?

   is simply wonderful!

  What are the precious medicinal herbs for prolonging life, this is too hard to find. And this kind of thing can't be faked - the Tai Hospital is not a decoration!

  However, something happened to save the life of the father. This can move my mind.

   Like an assassin?

   Xiao Jingye's eyes lit up, and he had an idea in his heart!

   (end of this chapter)

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