Chapter 959 Assassin

The   dagger was sharp, and the arc of the bright silver light stabbed everyone's eyes.

   By the time everyone reacted and screamed and screamed, it was already too late! The **** had a ferocious face, and the dagger almost touched the chest of Emperor Tianyao!

   "Your Majesty!"


   "Oh my God!"

  The cluttered screams, screams, cries, shoves, and collisions made everyone dizzy!

  Tian Yaodi's mind "Boom!" exploded, and instantly went blank!

  The world was spinning, and the heartbeat seemed to stop suddenly at that moment!

   Then in the next moment, he was pushed away involuntarily, and a voice exploded in his ears: "Father, be careful!"

  The Beiyuan Palace was immediately blocked, and all the courtiers, female relatives, and eunuchs were all placed under house arrest in different palaces.

  No one of the courtiers and nobles dared to walk around and make noise, only one or two or three or two who knew each other gathered together to discuss something in a very low voice. Or exchanging glances, not even daring to speak.

   Everyone was surprised.

  The palace maids and eunuchs were also trembling and restless. Some of them had not recovered yet, sitting on the ground weakly with their hands and feet, while others silently wiped their red eyes, trembling with fear.

  A major event like the assassination of the emperor, the sky is going to fall! In such a major event, it is hard to say whether other people will be implicated, but those of them who are slaves and subordinates usually have few people who will end well.

  Especially those who were serving at the scene at that time, I don’t know if they will be tortured or not, let alone if they will see the sun tomorrow.

  The female relatives, Yu Guifei, Qi Wangfei, Shen Liangwei, etc. were naturally not under house arrest, but guarded outside the palace where the emperor was temporarily resting.

  Emperor Tian Yaodi was not stabbed by the assassin, but he was frightened enough. In his current physical condition, it is good that he didn't faint from fright!

   After being frightened and angry, Mrs. Shen used a silver needle on the spot. She trembled so badly that she couldn't move at all. In the end, she had someone carry her to the couch behind to lie down.

  I immediately drank a ginseng soup.

Xiao Jingye was brave and invincible and rushed up to block the stabbed dagger for his father. His chest was bleeding and bright red. He had passed out and was carried to the apse to rest, right next to Emperor Tianyao. side hall.

   Princess Qi's repressed cries came from time to time, making people upset.

   Concubine Yu was busier than anyone else. She visited Emperor Tianyao at one time and her son at the same time. Her eyes were red, her face was full of tears, and she had been crying for a long time.

  Tianyao Emperor Xinzhong's ministers accompanied him and were all nervous.

  The palace maids and eunuchs walked around to take and deliver things, their steps were brisk, their faces were sullen and they held their breaths. The air in the whole hall was dignified and low.

  Apart from Yu Guifei and a few others, all the other female relatives were also placed under house arrest, not allowed to walk half a step.

   Many boudoir ladies are still young, where have they experienced such a scene?

   And I came to the palace today to watch the fun. Who knew that seeing such a big trouble, they were all afraid and threw themselves in the arms of their mother and cried.

   Some cried loudly, making their mothers cover their mouths in distress, comforting and frightening in a low voice.

   Mrs. Lu was more anxious than others, and muttered: "Where is Yan'er? Where is Yan'er? Where has Yan'er gone?"

   (end of this chapter)

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