Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 960: where did her daughter go?

   Chapter 960 Where did her daughter go?

  Lu Xiuyan has not been found yet, and there is no trace of her, but the emperor was assassinated. Although it was not the emperor who was stabbed by the assassin in the end, it was a big event!

  Although, this shocking event has nothing to do with his daughter, and will definitely not involve her daughter. However, there must be chaos outside at this time, and martial law must have been imposed. Where is she?

  The ladies who were also walking in the garden to watch the fun were brought back one by one, but there was still no daughter of hers.

  So, where did her daughter go?

  The more Mrs. Lu thought about it, the more she panicked, the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she gradually began to tremble.

  In the apse of the Golden Scale Building, Emperor Tianyao lay down for a while with a cold face, poured a bowl of ginseng soup for a while, and finally calmed down.

   Without his orders, the entire Beiyuan Palace was under martial law, and all the guests were controlled.

   The garrison is looking around to check if there are any clues.

  Emperor Tianyao looked at the courtiers and nobles in front of him and felt upset. He waved his hand without waiting for anyone to say anything, and ordered everyone to retreat.

   Everyone bowed and retreated, but no one dared to leave.

   There is no conclusion on this matter, who dares to leave easily?

   Concubine Yu's face was pale, staggeringly came over from the apse, bowed her knees to Emperor Yaodi, and called out "Your Majesty." Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Emperor Tianyao narrowed his eyes and said lightly, "How is Ye'er now? What did the imperial physician say?"

  Emperor Tianyao's tone was not too warm and concerned, but Yu Guifei didn't feel it at the moment.

Although her son had greeted her through the details of what happened today, Concubine Yu Gui was so frightened that she almost fainted when she saw the blood-soaked and pale-faced son on his chest. .

   At this moment, her heart is full of anxiety, where can she care about anything else?

Hearing Emperor Tianyao's question, she hurriedly wiped away her tears and said, "Fortunately, with the blessing of the emperor and the protection of ancestors, Ye'er is finally safe. Zhang Yuan ruled that the dagger was only an inch away, and it would stab Zhong Ye'er's heart. , if it's really like that, I'm afraid it's just—fortunately! Luckily!"

   "Your Majesty, fortunately, Ye'er is all right."

   Concubine Yugui felt distressed and cared for her son. This sigh came from the bottom of her heart, and when she heard Emperor Tianyao's ears, she was subconsciously unhappy.

   You have to know that he was almost assassinated. Hearing what Concubine Yugui said, did he implicate his son? After all, if his son hadn't blocked him for a while, he wouldn't have suffered like this.

   It's all his fault?

   Although Concubine Yu looked at him for the first time, it was obvious that she was more concerned about her son.

  Oh, I think so too, after all, her son is her hope in the future, and she is dying, and in her eyes, I am afraid that it will be an eyesore!

  Emperor Tianyao became more and more irritated in his heart, he couldn't help covering his mouth and bent over and coughed loudly.

Concubine Yu Gui was startled, and she didn't care that she was afraid of crying after that, she hurriedly stepped forward and patted Emperor Tianyao's back to help him: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty! What's the matter with you? !"

   "No need," Tian Yaodi gasped and gently pushed Concubine Yugui away: "I'm fine, it's fine."

   "The Emperor."

"Okay," Tian Yaodi's face was still flushed, but he eased his breath and panted, "Go and watch Ye'er. I don't need it here. If the situation is stable, I'll go back to the manor. Well. I should also get up and drive back to the palace!"

   (end of this chapter)

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