Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 970: It was extremely harsh in the ears of Emperor Tianyao

   Chapter 970 It was extremely harsh in the ears of Emperor Tianyao

"Yes, it's the minister's daughter who just wants to go to His Royal Highness King Qi for help. Help to have a good word with His Royal Highness King Zhan, and ask Concubine Zhan to **** the minister's sister home. After all, the sister is from Tai'an Bo's mansion. , it's not good to say it out loud."

"Besides, she still has a marriage contract, and if she doesn't go back, it will be even worse. The rumors spread, isn't Tai'an Uncle Mansion a big joke in the capital? The elder sister of the minister's daughter is so ignorant, she would rather spoil herself. A reputation also has to live with my parents. The ministers and daughters can't bear to see their parents sad and sad, and I heard that His Royal Highness King Qi is famous and virtuous. I believe that he must be willing to help the ministers and daughters, and he is the only one who can help them. This is the time for the minister and daughter to find him."

   She boasted Xiao Jingye wisely and praised him for his "virtuous name and virtue", in order to please Tianyao Emperor, but she didn't know that Tianyao Emperor was even more angry when he heard it.

   And the phrase "Only he can help" was even more harsh in the ears of Emperor Tianyao!

   Good, good name and virtue, hehe, when did Xiao Jingye become so successful? He is the father of the emperor, the news is still too closed!

   "Go to Zhan Wangfu and call me Zhan Wang and Zhan Wangfei."

   "Yes, Your Majesty!"

  Lu Xiuyan's face was full of joy, and she was actually a little proud!

  The emperor thought that he believed what he said, and then Shen Liangwei came, huh, she looks good.

  I can't do anything about her, but isn't it a certainty that the emperor wants to take care of her?

   She didn't know that Emperor Tianyao had been looking at her coldly and secretly, and the smugness on her face was clearly seen by Emperor Tianyao.

   Thinking of the grievances between her and Princess Zhan, Emperor Tianyao easily doubted how much of what she said before was true and how much she framed Princess Zhan.

  Xiao Jingyu is busy tracking down the assassin—although this assassin is destined to be impossible to catch, he must also show his posture and appearance, and must be very busy and attentive.

   Shen Liangwei stayed in the War King's Mansion honestly.

  The assassination of Emperor Tianyao, the atmosphere in the capital suddenly became tense and solidified, and it was safer to stay at home if there was nothing to do.

   Hearing that Emperor Tianyao said he had entered the palace, Shen Liangwei was surprised on the face, but she already knew in her heart that it was mostly related to Lu Xiuyan.

  What happened yesterday had nothing to do with Lu Xiuyan, since she bumped into it herself, she deserved it.

   Xiao Jingyu went to the palace before her, and went straight to the Qianqing Palace without waiting for her. Emperor Tianyao didn't like others waiting.

   When Shen Liangwei went in, she kowtowed and gave Xiao Jingyu a look.

   Xiao Jingyu smiled at her, signaling her not to panic, and Shen Liangwei's expression softened.

   Emperor Tianyao looked at her and Xiao Jingyu coldly, not knowing what was going on in his heart.

   Little Eunuch Lu simply repeated what Lu Xiuyan said before, and asked Shen Liangwei, "Princess Zhan, what Miss Lu Er said is true?"

  Shen Liangwei showed an expression of sudden realization, glanced at Lu Xiuyan and said, "I'll just say, how could Shen Liangrong enter the Beiyuan Palace, so it was Miss Lu Er who helped!"

  Lu Xiuyan froze in her heart, inexplicably fearful: "You—"

   She subconsciously wanted to say "Don't talk nonsense!", but as soon as the words started, she realized that she was wrong and didn't dare to say it.

   She could only bow her head in a guilty conscience and defended: "She, she begged so hard, I was also confused for a while."

   (end of this chapter)

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