Chapter 971 Explained

Shen Liangwei snorted lightly, and did not refute Lu Xiuyan's "momentary confusion", she only said: "Your Majesty, if you want to come to the emperor, the emperor has heard about the scandalous things that happened to his wife's family. She is very ashamed, so she will not say more. Then Shen Liangrong , In the past, she was at odds with the courtier's wife, and then she became a sinner's side concubine, and the minister's wife became a war princess, thinking that although she was not on good terms with her parents, but she became a family again, if the trouble was too ugly, wouldn't it be called the royal family The lack of light on your face makes you laugh?"

   "Therefore, the relationship between the minister's wife and her has eased, but that's just a matter of face. The minister's wife has never reconciled with her in her heart. The minister's wife knows exactly what kind of person she is!"

   "Later, the sinner was put to death, the emperor was kind, and Shen Liangrong returned to her mother's house. She tried repeatedly to go to the war palace to find the minister's wife, but how could the minister's wife see her? Wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

"Furthermore, after all, she was the concubine of a sinner, and the minister's wife was the princess of the war, if she had close contact with her, what would happen if outsiders were misunderstood? It's really at that time, the minister's wife has no face to explain it to the prince! "

"The courtier refuses to see her. She can't even enter the gate of the palace of the war king, nor can she enter the house of the courtier's parents. Who knew that she had asked Miss Lu Er for help and infiltrated the Beiyuan Palace. I handed a note yesterday. Give it to the court lady, and threaten the court lady if she doesn't go to see her, she will go straight to the annexe of the Jinlin Building to find the court lady, and will declare to everyone that the court lady took her to the palace."

   "The courtier did not expect her to be so despicable!"

"The minister's wife is even more afraid that she is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. If something goes wrong, it disrupts the event and spoils everyone. Isn't it the minister's fault? Besides, if she really wants to say that, minister The woman can't even explain it well."

   "As a last resort, the minister's wife can only go to see her."

   "She questioned the minister's wife why she didn't see her, threatened the minister's wife, and asked the minister's wife for 100,000 silver, saying that it was too hard to live at home—"

  Tian Yaodi's eyes flashed fiercely, and his thin face became even colder, interrupting Shen Liangwei and asking: "She wants one hundred thousand silver? Can you give it?"

   One hundred thousand silver, oh, what a big breath! What do you want 100,000 silver for?

  Emperor Tianyao immediately thought of Xiao Jinghuai's slippery fish and went up.

  Shen Liangwei hurriedly shook his head: "Where can the court lady have 100,000 silver to give her? Besides, I can't give it! She's not worth it!"

"She was unrelenting, and the court lady had no choice but to threaten her. If she dared to act recklessly, the court lady would never let her go. With her current situation, she can't fight against the King's Mansion. She thought about it for herself. think!"

"No matter how arrogant she is, she is nothing but a bully and fear of hardship. Her temperament has not changed at all! When she was frightened, the court lady left. After that, what happened after that, the court lady would, it would be no. understood."

   "You, you are lying!" Lu Xiuyan was furious.

Shen Liangwei looked at her coldly, "Miss Lu Er, you are really far worse than Sister Xiuxun, no wonder you are always jealous of Sister Xiuxun, trying to smear and make things difficult for Sister Xiuxun. Hate and hate. How do I lie? I'd like to hear what Miss Lu Er has to say."

   If there is no third party to corroborate it, whoever has enough momentum will win.

   In terms of momentum, Shen Liangwei is really not afraid of Lu Xiuyan.

  Lu Xiuyan choked: "."

   (end of this chapter)

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