Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 972: what to say

   Chapter 972 What to say

  Yeah, what did she say? What to say?

   Do you want to say that he, together with Shen Liangrong, covered Shen Liangwei and fainted, and was going to strip her off and throw her into the peony garden to completely destroy her? But before the result could be implemented, she and Shen Liangrong were attacked and fainted without knowing anything?

   Then, when she wakes up, where are there Shen Liangrong and Shen Liangwei? She is alone in the garden!

   The funny thing is that when she woke up, her first reaction was to see if the clothes on her body were complete. When she found that the clothes were complete, she was greatly relieved!

  I don't want to, this breath was not finished, was taken down by the guards of the royal forest who appeared out of nowhere?

   No matter how she said that she was lost, no one paid attention to her, so she was locked up for one night, and now she was brought to the emperor again

   In an attempt to frame Shen Liangwei, she never dared to mention it before the emperor - after all, it was Princess Zhan, and it would be unlucky to frame herself!

   I don’t even dare to mention it now.

   If I mention it now, doesn’t it mean that I have concealed something from the emperor before?

   The emperor was so majestic and murderous, she was already extremely afraid, afraid that if she said a word or two wrongly, she would be killed by the emperor, how could she dare to say more?

  Lu Xiuyan was speechless, which shows that what Shen Liangwei said was the truth.

  Shen Liangwei saluted the Emperor Yaotian again: "Your Majesty, every word of the minister's wife is true, and I will never dare to hide the emperor at all!"

  Emperor Tian Yaodi's serious and tense face still seemed expressionless, but he nodded slightly imperceptibly, which showed that he agreed with what Shen Liangwei said.

   After all, the grievances and grievances between Shen Liangwei's family and the second and third rooms are also known to Emperor Yaoyao.

  It is absolutely impossible to say that Shen Liangwei and Shen Liangrong colluded.

   Besides, unless Xiao Jingyu is crazy, he will do such a thing that he can't get any benefits at all! Mixed with Xiao Jinghuai's remnants, what is he planning?

   On the contrary, this Lu Xiuyan is too suspicious!

   She is not only involved with Shen Liangrong, but also has contact with Xiao Jingye. Does Xiao Jingye have anything to do with this matter?

   Emperor Tianyao still had lingering fears when he thought about the assassination scene yesterday, and he still felt very unreal when he thought of Xiao Jingye jumping up to block the stab for him.

  His son is very critical of him behind his back, don't think he doesn't know!

  Oh, isn't he just dissatisfied with his delay in canonizing him as a prince?

   But, why did he want to do what he wanted? This prince's position, even if he can only sit on it in the future, when he can sit on it, he has to decide for himself!

   He was just reminding him, beating him, and letting him know that he was the only one who could give or not give anything, and he was not qualified to take the initiative to ask for it.

   If he doesn't give it, he just waits honestly, don't try to play tricks!

  Thunder, thunder, rain, and dew are all graces, how could he not understand such a simple truth?

   He was secretly dissatisfied with himself. When he was assassinated, his reaction was faster than that of the dead man in the dark. How could Emperor Tianyao not be suspicious?

   This thing is too inconsistent!

   said something he didn't want to believe, if he was assassinated in the assassination, I'm afraid Xiao Jingye was the happiest one!

  Why does he need to do this?

  Lu Xiuyan, Xiao Jinghuai's remnants, and Shen Liangrong are there any internal connections?

   (end of this chapter)

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