Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 975: There was resentment in his heart

   Chapter 975 A resentment welled up in his heart

   Going to visit at such a time not only expresses your concern and admiration, but also pleases His Royal Highness King Qi and the Emperor. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

  Why not do it?

  The gate of Prince Qi’s mansion quickly became crowded with traffic, and there was an endless stream of visitors.

   At a time like this, everyone wants to show their face in front of His Royal Highness King Qi and make a good impression. Anyway, it's not going to be a loss, is it?

   Emperor Tianyao's secret guard was staring at Prince Qi's mansion. In less than half a day, the bustling scene of traffic and people coming and going in Prince Qi's mansion spread to Emperor Tianyao's ears.

  Emperor Tianyao listened with an expressionless face, backed away from the dark guard, and sneered.

   Well, he really is his good son! what is this? What people want? He is not dead yet, how dare they!

   Emperor Tianyao felt powerless and sad in his heart. His son has grown up, but he is dying.

  Even if he is the emperor, even if he still holds supreme power in his hands, so what?

  This world has gradually abandoned him!

   There was a deep fear in his heart for no reason

   and resentment.

  If the little prince was still there, King Qi would not dare to be so arrogant! Concubine Li, that bitch, Concubine Li was right, she must have killed the little prince!

   killed the little prince, and King Qi became the only one. This risk was too worth her risk. That woman is so cunning!

   "Go, Chuanyu Concubine will accompany you."

  Tian Yaodi said coldly.

  In the cold palace, Queen Fu quickly got a series of news before and after the assassination. In addition to her years of experience in understanding Emperor Tianyao, this matter was exceptionally perfect!

  Especially when I heard that the whole day after the assassination, Emperor Tianyao didn't order a reward to appease King Qi, and he didn't send anyone to visit King Qi, and he laughed even more.

   He really was suspicious of King Qi!

   King Qi is self-inflicted, and he would come up with such a wonderful way to restore his image and his position in Laozi's heart.

   He and his stupid mother-in-law didn't understand at all, what Tian Yaodi loved the most was always himself!

  Loving and pampering others is just a little residue left after he loves himself.

   Even if King Qi is now his only son, unless King Qi obeys his promises, acts as his answerer, humiliates like a dog in front of him, and listens to everything, he will definitely not like King Qi.

  However, King Qi is now relying on his status, how can he be submissive and humble? He just wants more! Just whining and complaining behind your back.

   This time he jumped out to block the assassination, so how could Emperor Tianyao not investigate such an abnormal move?

   The more he checked, the more information he found only annoyed him.

   Therefore, King Qi must be taught a lesson!

   King Qi has been taught a lesson, can you not be afraid? When he is afraid, what will he do, needless to say?

  Empress Fu was in a turbulent mood, her son has seen hope

   In the Palace of Heavenly Purity, Concubine Yugui entered happily, and she was reprimanded by Emperor Tianyao for just one encounter.

When she bowed her knees to greet her, Emperor Tianyao glanced at her, then frowned and said coldly: "I was frightened, King Qi was seriously injured and I don't know what the situation is, isn't it inappropriate for the imperial concubine to wear red and green? "

   Concubine Yu froze, her first reaction was that she was stupid and didn't know how to respond!

   "The emperor and the emperor taught that the concubine was negligent. The concubine only thought that she should dress up and dress up well when she came to accompany the driver, so that the emperor would be happy when he saw it, but he didn't think too much"

   (end of this chapter)

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