Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 976: It's clearly finding fault

   Chapter 976 This is clearly to find fault

   "Please forgive the emperor."

  Emperor Tianyao snorted coldly, thinking of the reason why she was dressed in red and green, the pearls and jade were shining, and the hairpin ring was shining, maybe she knew that Xiao Jingye was safe and sound, and she was not nervous and worried.

  Otherwise, as a concubine, how could she still think about dressing up?

   "Now that you know you're wrong, why don't you go back and change your clothes?"

   Concubine Yu was stunned for a moment, annoyed and aggrieved in her heart, she swallowed her anger and bowed her knees: "Yes, Your Majesty."

   Concubine Yu turned and left, clenching her fists in her wide sleeves, the emperor is—what do you mean?

   This is clearly finding fault!

   But why?

   Concubine Yu felt that this was outrageous. Ye'er only saved his life by blocking the knife for him yesterday. Did he treat himself like this today, without caring about Ye'er's face at all?

   Yeer really paid for him in vain!

   Concubine Yu couldn't figure out why Emperor Yaodi became so eccentric and ruthless. In the end, he could only blame: the emperor is really old! So, confused

   As soon as Concubine Yu left, Emperor Tianyao asked Eunuch Lu with a sullen face: "Little Lu, do you think the concubine dressed like this is too much?"

   Little Father Lu wanted to cry.

   He didn't want to answer such a question at all, but he had to answer.

  If it was before, he could secretly sell it to Concubine Yu Guifei behind the back of Emperor Tianyao, and burn the cold stove in advance, but now he no longer dares.

Without him, because Emperor Tianyao didn't know whether he hit him intentionally or unintentionally, the general idea was: as long as he dares to be a little bit of yang and yin to his own words, and a little bit of turning a blind eye, as long as he knows it , then, he will never outlive himself.

   In other words, if he dared to betray himself, he would definitely execute the new emperor before he ascended the throne.

   Little Eunuch Lu had always hidden his selfishness, intentionally or unintentionally selling it to Concubine Yugui, and he had a guilty conscience. Hearing this beating, he was almost scared to death at that time, and he was almost paralyzed and knelt on the ground only to kowtow.

   Since then, how could he dare to sell Yu Guifei half a cent?

   At this moment, when Emperor Tianyao asked him this, he also regarded him as a trustworthy person, but he would rather not have this trust! So scary!

   It's just this kind of thing, he can't help it.

   When the emperor asked questions, he didn't even dare to hesitate. Once he hesitated, the emperor might wonder what happened to him again.

   Little Eunuch Lu bent down and forced a calm smile: "The noble concubine really shouldn't be like this. Maybe, maybe the goddess is also trying to please the emperor."

   This is equivalent to the nonsense that he didn't say, and Tianyao Emperor snorted lightly, which made little Eunuch Lu breathe a sigh of relief, the emperor finally did not continue to press him any more, but closed his eyes and rested.

   Not long after, Concubine Yugui came again.

   This time, the decorations on the whole body are very elegant.

   He is wearing a pale blue orchid palace dress, with a silver lotus crown on the concentric bun, except for the jade hairpin flowers and jade hairpins inlaid with pearls.

  Emperor Tianyao saw it at a glance, but his brows still didn't unfold. This plain color made him feel bad and unhappy, but he didn't say anything this time.

   Concubine Yu was picky and dressed up by him, but he understood that the emperor was in a bad mood, and he had no weight in the emperor's heart, how could he dare to make trouble?

   Seeing that the emperor was no longer critical of himself, he was greatly relieved, and his expression was even more respectful, and he did not dare to be as flattering as before.

   (end of this chapter)

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