Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 982: There is already a tacit understanding

   Chapter 982 There is a tacit understanding

   Once every three days, in the name of the Ping'an pulse, it is justified!

   "Zhang Yuanjing and Imperial Physician Shen gave me a good pulse today. I don't know why, I feel so tired recently. I don't know if I am overworked in dealing with the government."

  Tian Yaodi leaned on the soft couch and spoke lightly.

   Courtyard Zhang and Madam Shen knew that if the emperor's body was always in good condition, it would be hell! It is normal to be tired.

   In fact, it should not only be fatigue, but there must be other discomforts, but they are used to the emperor's words.

  The emperor always said it lightly, but the actual situation was much more serious.

   It would be even more serious if the emperor was willing to admit that he was not feeling well.

   Of course, the emperor doesn’t say that, and they don’t have to say that, just make a good diagnosis, prescribe medicine, and then calmly appease the emperor with lighthearted words, that’s enough.

   After being tossed by the emperor for so long, Zhang Yuanjian and Shen Taiyi had a tacit understanding.

  Although neither of them wants to have this kind of change, but their lives are at stake, and no one will deliberately seek death.

   "The emperor must take care of the dragon's body, and don't overwork it. With so many ministers, it's long overdue for the emperor to share his worries." Zhang Yuanjian said respectfully.

  Emperor Tianyao sighed and said lightly: "I am a member of the Limin Society, and I dare not relax. No matter how good the ministers are, it is better to come here in person!"

   Court verdict: "The presence of the emperor in Daqin is a blessing for all people! Wei Chen will do his best to see a doctor for the emperor, and make sure the emperor's dragon is healthy."

   Mrs. Shen: "Yes, and this is also the case with Wei Chen, I will do my best to serve the emperor!"

   This kind of cliché was especially loved by Emperor Tianyao. The two of them sang in harmony, and they had a tacit understanding. They said it very sincerely and sincerely, from the heart.

  Emperor Tianyao was really happy when he heard the dragon face. A slight smile appeared on his thin face. He nodded with a smile and sighed: "I know the loyalty of the two Aiqings! My dragon body will be handed over to the two Aiqings!"

   "Yes, thank the emperor for trusting Wei Chen!" Zhang Yuanjuan carefully took the pulse of Emperor Tianyao while the rainbow farts continued.

   was startled, and his brows jumped fiercely.

  Emperor Tianyao now values ​​his own body very much, and he is very sensitive. The reactions of Zhang Yuanjing and Shen Da Furen can't be hidden from him at all.

   Seeing the sentence of Zhang Yuan, Tian Yaodi's heart sank, his eyes sharpened in vain, staring at Zhang Yuan.

   "Prince Concubine, I suddenly want to eat cheese, you go and order the snack shop to make one for me." Emperor Tianyao suddenly turned his head and said lightly to Concubine Yu who was serving him.

   Imperial Concubine Yu knew in her heart that the emperor did not want to let herself stay here to know about his condition, and she felt sorry for her.

   But how dare she show the slightest sign of caring about the matter at this time, she should be smiling, and immediately went out.

   Little Eunuch Lu also winked, and immediately rejected the **** who was serving in the palace. He himself stood beside Tianyao Emperor.

  Emperor Tianyao couldn't do without him by taking medicine every day, and he was in charge of it, so he didn't drive him away.

   "What exactly is my dragon body, tell the truth."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Zhang Yuan said hurriedly, "Your Majesty, don't be impatient. You said that the dragon body is prone to drowsiness and fatigue in recent days. From the pulse, it seems that this is true. Ordinarily, it should not be like this. Your Majesty - the last month's What about the food list? Can you let Wei Chen take a look at it?"

   (end of this chapter)

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