Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 983: Is it a trick of that bastard?

  Chapter 983 Is it a trick of that bastard?

   Judge Zhang said as he stepped back to the side, and Mrs. Shen came forward to check the pulse.

   Mrs. Shen stepped forward to get the pulse, and came to the same conclusion as Zhang Yuan's judgment, and repeatedly asked the emperor not to worry, it was found early, as long as the source was found, it would be fine.

  Emperor Tianyao ordered Little Eunuch Lu to fetch the living notes, and said gloomily, "If it goes on like this for a long time, what will happen?"

   Zhang Yuan judged: "Returning to the emperor, this weight should not be too heavy. If this goes on like this, the emperor will be dejected and deeply tired, but it will not cause any other damage to the dragon's body."

   Mrs. Shen also nodded quickly: "That's true, Your Majesty."

   "Humph!" Emperor Tianyao sneered, his eyes became more gloomy. It makes people feel depressed and tired. Is this also called no harm to the dragon body?

   Subconsciously, he thought of Xiao Jingye again!

  Is it a trick of that bastard?

   Soon, little father-in-law Lu came back with nearly a month's worth of living notes.

In this daily note, Emperor Tianyao's daily situation was recorded in great detail, what he did, who served with him, what meals he ate, fruits and snacks, what tea he drank, what medicine he took, and the amount of each. Wait, it's well documented.

   Zhang Yuan sentenced Mrs. Shen to a crime, so she took a roll by herself and began to look at it.

   Both of them are insiders and know what to pick and see, so they are fast.

   In just over a quarter of an hour, I finished reading this living note.

   "How?" Tian Yaodi glanced at the two of them: "Can you look carefully?"

   Zhang Yuanjued and Da Furen Shen looked at each other, Da Furen Shen shook her head with a wry smile.

   Zhang Yuan also said: "Your Majesty, there should be no problem with the records on this living note. By the way, what kind of incense has the Emperor used recently?"

For things like incense, because it is not imported, and it is a certain kind of spice that is used daily, it is not easily replaced, but it is not recorded, such as what clothes, shoes and socks you wear every day. Same.

  These everyday things are managed strictly and meticulously by special personnel in daily life, and usually nothing goes wrong. If even this had to be recorded, it would be unnecessary, and it would be too cumbersome.

  Emperor Tianyao looked at Eunuch Lu.

Little Eunuch Lu wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and hurriedly said: "This—the emperor uses ambergris on weekdays, and he only lights some when he reviews memorials and when he goes to bed at night, the old slave will go and find it. "

   Zhang Yuan sentenced: "Bring the incense burner together."


   "You don't have to be so troublesome," Tian Yaodi said in a cold voice, "Two Aiqings, please search my study, bedroom, and this hall to see if there is anything unusual!"

   Zhang Yuanjing and Shen Da Furen were both stunned for a moment, and they both felt that the emperor seemed to be making a big fuss, but it didn't have to be.

   These maids and eunuchs who serve are carefully selected, and whoever dares to do anything unless they die.

   Besides, there is no chance.

   But neither of them dared to object. The moment should be, accompanied by little father-in-law Lu, to check it out together.

   In fact, there are not many decorations in the emperor's palace, and it has always been the same, and it is rarely changed.

   is not troublesome to investigate.

  The two walked around for about an hour, and they didn't smell any special smell, nor did they find anything suspicious.

   Although it's not troublesome, but after walking like this, Rao is Mrs. Shen's young and exhausted, not to mention Zhang Yuan's sentence.

   (end of this chapter)

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