Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 990: What are you pretending to be a Virgin?

   Chapter 990 What kind of Virgin?

  Where is Empress Fu's opponent? She fell to the ground with a scream, clutching her stomach, raising her head, staring at Empress Fu resentfully, panting, her eyes almost bursting with fire.

   "You, are you vicious! You are too vicious!"

"What kind of thing are you?" Empress Fu looked down at her and sneered contemptuously: "You ordered the death of the little prince. As for Concubine Li, do you dare to say that you don't want her to die? To say something outrageous, you don't want the emperor Early death? In front of this palace, what kind of virgin are you pretending to be!"

Concubine Yu Gui's face turned pale, her whole body trembled violently, she suddenly covered her face and burst into tears, crying as she cried, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Your concubine is wronged, Your Majesty! Your Majesty, it's all this bitch's conspiracy, it's her who framed the minister. Concubine! Your Majesty, please let your concubine go out! Quickly let your concubine go out woo woo woo.”

   Concubine Yu suddenly got up from the ground, and ran out staggeringly while crying.

  Empress Fu gave her a contemptuous look and didn't care about her at all.

   That's ridiculous, does she think it's useful for her to cry? Don't even look where this is!

  This is a cold palace!

   Crying and crying in the cold palace, will anyone take care of you?

Sure enough, after a short while, Queen Fu walked out slowly, and saw Concubine Yu Gui threw herself on the closed and heavy gate of the Leng Palace, slumped to the ground, still slapping the gate of the palace, slapping the door cry and cry.

   It's just that the slapping force and the cries are obviously much smaller.

   Those who can toss again will only end up in this cold palace, that is, all strength and patience will be exhausted, and then they will either die or go crazy.

  Queen Fu raised her head and glanced at the blue sky, feeling a little dazed.

   After staying in this place for too long, even she, who has always been calm, couldn't help but get a little restless.

  This place is really not for normal people.

   Fortunately, at this time, the **** Yu Guifei came, so that she would not be too lonely.

   Queen Fu glanced at her contemptuously and turned around indifferently.

  Cry, make trouble, if you don’t have the strength, you will naturally be calm.

   Concubine Yu offended the emperor, and the fact that the emperor was put into the cold palace by the emperor spread to the outside of the palace, and everyone was shocked!

   When Shen Liangwei and Xiao Jingyu got the news, they had just had breakfast the next day.

   Xiao Jingyu smiled mockingly: "The emperor has only himself in his heart. Concubine Yu Gui has followed him for so many years, but in the end, he can't escape such an end!"

  Shen Liangwei also felt a chill in her heart. She thought that Emperor Tianyao and his father and son were in the same line, and they were equally ruthless!

"My lord," she looked at Xiao Jingyu, somewhat worried: "The emperor seems to be really old and confused to the point of hopelessness, you must be careful. He has always been afraid of you, maybe he doesn't listen to a word. It's easy to hear, will, will do something."

"Don't worry, this king has something in his heart!" Xiao Jingyu warmed his heart, held her hand lightly, and smiled: "This king is about to tell you these two days, why don't you go out of the city to relax. The scenery outside the city is good. , nor would-"

   "Does your lord think I'm a burden?" Before he could finish, Shen Liangwei asked with a half-smiling smile.

   "Of course not!" Xiao Jingyu was taken aback and hurriedly laughed: "How can you be a burden? Wei Er is the most important person to this king! Because of this, this king wants you to leave the capital!"

   (end of this chapter)

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