Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 991: How could Shen Liangwei leave?

   Chapter 991 How could Shen Liangwei leave

  In today's capital, everything seems to be business as usual on the surface. The courtiers and officials go to court as usual, the emperor discusses government as usual, and the common people open the door early every morning.

   But beneath this calm surface, is the ever-changing situation stirred by his own hands, and he knows how dangerous it is. Now it seems to be smooth and smooth, but if you accidentally step on the wrong side, there is an abyss next to you.

   It was he who pulled her in selfishly, but he definitely didn't want her to accompany him to suffer the accident that happened.

  If he used the excuse of relaxing and recuperating at this moment to send her out of the city to live there, he would be sure to keep her safe.

   No matter what his result is, her thoroughness is the most important thing to him!

   He guessed that most of her are unwilling to leave, so he has been looking for a suitable opportunity to talk to her these days, and it would be best to be able to persuade her to leave.

  How could Shen Liangwei leave?

   There is him here, as well as her parents and brothers.

  Shen Liangwei has also seen it now. In the last life, everyone could not have a good ending, and the worst ending in this life is just repeating the same mistakes.

   But this time the family was always together and died without regrets, which was incomparable to the previous life.

"My lord, stop making such jokes with me," Shen Liangwei said angrily: "I will not leave the palace or the capital! Just do whatever the lord wants, and I will not cause trouble for the lord. On my mother's side, If there is something wrong with your lord, I can make two more trips."

   It is most convenient for her to come forward and communicate with her parents.

Xiao Jingyu had already expected this to happen, but smiled bitterly: "Forget it, if Wei Er doesn't want to leave the city, then don't leave, there is no need to change Wei Er's daily life, how it was in the past, how is it now, on the side of the Shen family, this king has his own Channel contact, no need for Wei Er's labor. Wei Er is fine, we are in one place no matter what!"

   Shen Liangwei smiled and nodded.

  She won't make trouble for him.

  The fact that Concubine Yu was put into the cold palace also caused a lot of shock in the Shen family.

   It was Mr. Shen, who had always been loyal to the country and the monarch, and could not help but sigh silently.

  The emperor's position is not right, this is a thorn in his heart, and it is a heart disease that he can never cure.

  In the past, when he was young, strong and fierce, he was in high spirits and looked down on the world. Naturally, he didn't care about anything, and nothing could easily affect him or shake him.

   At that time, anyone who dared to resist him would just kill him with a single word.

  If someone with quite a reputation, status, and status is not easy to kill, they will be punished by weaving various charges, and then they will be driven out or destroyed step by step.

  The emperor holds the supreme power. In this world, no matter how famous the family is, how can they fight?

  When the emperor first succeeded to the throne, the court situation was not stable. The first emperor had both ability and political integrity, treated his subjects courteously, loved the people like a son, and enjoyed a high reputation in the court and the people.

   The first empress was also virtuous and virtuous, setting an example for all women in the world.

  Although the emperor insisted that the throne was because the late emperor thought that the prince was young and feared that the society would not be stable, he passed the throne to him, but this kind of words did not have no doubts and strong opposition.

  The prince is still orthodox no matter how young he is! The prince is young, and the servants are the assistants. The emperor is also a servant. Why should we usurp the throne?

   (end of this chapter)

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