The nursing home whispered beside Kong Zhao, and Kong Zhao suddenly made up his mind: “According to what Mr. said, it is only necessary to hire skilled craftsmen at certain special times.” ”

“Why abolish the entire artisan system?”

“Daming has just opened the country, the national treasury is empty, and the artisan household system has a great effect on restoring the national economy and people’s livelihood.”

“Just treat the officials of the Ministry of Works strictly.”

“For the sake of the entire Daming, isn’t it okay to suffer a hard worker?”

These words were extremely vicious, Liu Treasurer looked into the distance, his face changed, and hurriedly asked Xiao Guo to report.

When Xiao Guo turned around, he happened to glance at the nursing home, and his heart instantly trembled three times!

He was directly stunned in place.

Seeing that he hadn’t left for a long time, Liu Treasurer also showed a shocked gaze, and asked curiously: “What’s wrong?” ”

“Didn’t you hear what you just said?”

“Nope!” Xiao Guo’s face flushed with excitement, and his hands couldn’t help trembling: “The treasurer, that… The man…”

“He is Hu Weiyong’s nursing home!”

“I recognize that it was he who gave it to the old master~”

Speaking of this, Liu’s head also buzzed, and his body suddenly trembled, “Really… It’s true? ”

“Treasurer, I saw him in the Yamen!”

“When the old master died, it was he who set off cannons on the city tower, and also entangled a group of Huaixi generals to set up a flowing water banquet!”

480 “That’s him!” ”

“I know even if I turn into ashes!”

Liu Treasurer felt dry mouth and heart beating wildly!

After waiting for such a long time, the key person who killed the old master finally appeared.

It’s really intentional to pick flowers and flowers, and unintentionally insert willows and willows!

But why on this occasion?

Hu Weiyong is arguing with Mr. Liaozhai!

Now there are a bunch of people outside, Xiao Guo’s martial arts skills are very high, as long as he causes a little chaos, he is very likely to catch him, so that he can force the truth of that incident back then.

This is the result of taking over the bookstore and pursuing it for so long!

The next time I see this person, I don’t know when!

He fell into contradiction, Kong Zhao saw that he looked strange, and thought that he couldn’t refute it, and suddenly laughed: “If you don’t say it again, even if I win.” ”

Luo Ru and the others outside the door were also anxious!

Ning Zhiyu on the upper floor asked, “Gongzi, what’s wrong with Liu Treasurer?” ”

Chen Yong looked at the nursing home with burning eyes, “It should be because of this person.” ”

Liu Treasurer was in a struggle in his heart.

In the end, he (BCCE) made his choice.

“Xiao Guo, go and pass the news to Mr. Liaozhai.”


Liu Treasurer said categorically: “Xiao Guo, go quickly!” ”

“Have you forgotten the old master’s instructions?”

“The affairs of the family and the country, the country is always ahead!”

“Even if the old master is still alive now, he will definitely agree to my choice!”

Xiao Guo hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: “Good!” ”

Upstairs, Chen Yong took a deep look at them, and he had a slight guess about the identity of Liu Treasurer.

He should have something to do with that half of the saint!

After a while, Liu Treasurer said, his voice still a little trembling: “Mr. Liaozhai has words:”

“The treasury is empty, I am afraid that it will not be able to carry the craftsman.”

“Spit out all the things eaten by the corrupt officials of the Ministry of Works is enough to hire craftsmen for several years!”

“So, why should you fatten others, but suffer because of this!”

“And, bitter?”

“Tomorrow after tomorrow, tomorrow is so much!”

“How long does it take to suffer in the end?”

“Is Mr. Kong a cook? So good at throwing pots? ”

“As for the parallel use of craftsmen and craftsmen, the biggest possibility is that artisans will become more sabotaged.”

“They are all working for the imperial court, why do they have a salary to take, but they are like this?”

Hu Weiyong was silent after listening to it, and let Kong Zhao say: “During the Mengyuan period, the craftsmen worked shifts for two years at a time, and the emperor felt this and changed it to one year. ”

“This is already a blessing of heaven, and the craftsman should be content and happy!”

Liu retorted: “Mr. Liaozhai said that this statement is a big fallacy. ”

“Contentment and happiness come from the Tao Te Ching.”

“Sin is greater than desire, woe is greater than uncontentment, blame is greater than desire.”

“Therefore contentment is always enough.”

“But how can desire be satisfied? After one desire is satisfied, another desire will be produced, desire satisfaction is boring, unsatisfied is bitter, and there is a trace of happiness in boredom and distress! ”

“Life is always pursuing this kind of happiness!”

“Although it is a bit explicit, the development of human society itself is driven by desire!”

“Those students, why aren’t they satisfied with their talents?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Those officials of the Ministry of Works already have a fortune, why are they not satisfied and greedy for ink?”

“If everyone was content and happy, then we should still be drinking blood now!”

“To deny desire is to deny life!”

“So inferred!”

“To persuade others with contentment, this person is either heart or ignorance!”

“The person who said this, is he content with all the current sophistication? Is he content with his current official position? ”

“Who is content? Who will be happy with this? ”

“This is a child’s word!”

“Otherwise, people who are worried about far and near will have near worries, where does this saying come from?”

Hu Weiyong asked Kong Zhao to say: “This statement is sophistry! ”

“Yan turned around and lived in the bad alley, and the sage praised: A basket of food, a spoonful of drink, in the bad alley, people can not bear it!”

“Isn’t that a kind of contentment?”

“Isn’t this the highest spiritual realm?”

Xiao Guo ran back and forth upstairs and downstairs several times, his face was not red and breathless, and when he heard Liaozhai’s reply, Liu Treasurer suddenly smiled.

“Why don’t the people who say this think about their own realm?”

“What’s more, Yan Hui living here is content with the bad alley?”


“It is the uncontentment of poverty that does not change its will!”

“Only a person with a truly rich heart can dare to face material scarcity!”

“But how many such people are there in the world?”

“Why use the standards of saints to demand of others?”

“This hypocrisy of treating others with leniency and self-discipline seems to others …”

“It’s boring!”

Hearing Chen Yong’s reply, Hu Weiyong couldn’t help but stand up: “Mess!” ”

“This official is the prime minister, and he dares to insult me like this?”

Liaozhai actually called him hypocritical in public!


He called the nursing home: “You go and talk to him like that!” ”

“I don’t believe it, he can still refute it!”

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