The nursing home quickly ran back to convey Hu Weiyong’s meaning to Kong Zhao, who immediately exclaimed in his heart and said loudly: “Abolish the craftsman, this is a change of law!” ”

“Is Er going to emulate Wang Anshi?”

“Don’t you hear the old saying, it’s not the unchanging law of Bailey!”

“Lao Tzu has words, I have three virtues, diligence, thrift, and do not dare to be the first in the world!”

“Wang Anshi changed the method to make the court smoke miasma, so that the former Song dynasty died in the country, what a lesson!”

“To govern the country, the first thing is peace.”

“Er is not a member of the court, and he does not understand the difficulty of the court, but he is saying such nonsense in private and inciting the people, he really deserves to die!”

Wang Anshi’s positive image comes from the late Republic of China, at least in the Ming Dynasty, he was definitely a villain.

Liu Treasurer chuckled in his heart, and Xiao Guo hurriedly ~ hurriedly ran up.

Kong Zhao smiled coldly in his heart, this time I see how you refute -!

A scholar in the crowd said: “This question is really divine! ”

They all turned to look at the depths of the restaurant, Kong Zhao was the sacrificial wine of the Hanlin Courtyard, who could point him out behind his back?

Come to think of it, it’s just a few people!

Mr. Chatsai, how do you answer?

To everyone’s surprise, Xiao Guo soon came down.

Liu Treasurer read: “Throughout the long river of time! ”

“Ancient history often produces progress by changing what has already happened.”

“Practice makes perfect.”

“Familiarity represents technology, and ingenuity represents creation!”

“The words of each family are put forward to deal with the problems faced by each family!”

“It’s like today’s Confucianism, which is essentially Cheng Zhu’s words, which were formed after the former Song Dynasty moved the capital to Lin’an!”

“In order to solve the phenomenon of the collapse of etiquette and music that they thought was the rise of merchants due to economic development and material prosperity in the former Song Dynasty.”

“The words of Confucius solved the problems of the Spring and Autumn Period, and after generations of famous Confucian explanations were rich, they became what they are now!”

“The same is true of Lao Tzu’s words~”

“If you have to carve a boat and ask for a sword to put it in a rigid way now, trying to use this to solve the Daming problem, I don’t have anything to say.”

“Governing the country should appear from reality!”

“All old and unrealistic things, no matter how they come about, must vigorously break them and boldly create new methods and new things to solve the problems we encounter now!”

“All the good things in the world, the luxury rooms you live in now, the cutlery you use, the delicious food you eat, it’s all the result of creativity!”

“If Lao Tzu’s words are rigid, then we should still be drinking blood now!”

“Do you dare to say this to me now, to the emperor who has been thirteen years old?”

Thirteen years to the end

Hu Weiyong’s face turned red after hearing this!

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was thirteen years old, was just about to start an army, but if someone suddenly told him that he did not dare to be the first in the world, there was only one end, and he was killed as a Meng Yuan thief and killed the sacrificial banner!

Chat Zhai this house, actually scolded himself for carving a boat and asking for a sword!

It’s really hateful!

But he even moved out of the emperor!!

And what can he do?

The nursing home said: “Sangkook, now…”

Hu Weiyong flicked his sleeves: “Go!” ”

He admitted that he had completely lost this argument!

Kong Zhao in the house saw that the nursing home had not returned for a long time, and looked back anxiously, but saw that Hu Weiyong’s carriage had left the restaurant, and he was shocked immediately.

Liu Treasurer obviously saw it as well, and said sarcastically: “If you don’t argue again, you will lose!” ”


Kong Zhao was anxious in his heart, and said indiscriminately: “Er, Er just now’s words are really criticizing the saint? ”

“You even said that the words of the saint cannot deal with the current problem?”

“You even have to come up with a new way?”

“Do you think that your intelligence can surpass that of a saint?”

After a while, Chen Yong’s answer came down: “For readers, the sage book is just a stepping stone, and after the middle move, it is completely forgotten.” ”

“Isn’t that so?”

“Nonsense!” Kong Zhaoqi jumped, “How dare you slander the world’s readers like this? ”

“I’m going to play impeachment and make the emperor seal your bookstore!”

“Well, let me ask, sensitive and cautious, where did this come from?”

Kong Zhao said: “Analects”

“What do you mean by that?”

“The meaning of the saint is, be diligent and be cautious in speaking!”

“Do you ask yourself how diligent you are?”

“How many times have you been absent from the dynasty in just twelve years of Hongwu? Do I need to go to Zhongshu Province to check it? ”

“Are you speaking cautiously? If you were really cautious, you wouldn’t have been scolded by Fan Jinzhong for vomiting blood back then! ”

“Brilliant words, fresh and benevolent! Where does this come from? ”

Kong Zhaoqi’s whole body was trembling, this came from the Analects, of course he knew!


Is this house mocking himself in front of everyone?

Damn it!

“The last sentence, people with lofty ideals, there is no survival to harm benevolence, there is killing to become benevolent!”

“Where did this come from?”

Kong Zhao stood there, glancing his head to the side, he didn’t want to answer.

Liu Treasurer read one sentence after another: “Also from the Analects.” ”

“Kong Zhao, do you remember a person named Chen Chuwei?”

Chen Chuwei?

Kong Zhao was stunned, this name is so familiar!

The butler next to him was stunned, hurriedly walked up, and pulled him to leave: “Sir, let’s go quickly, something big will happen!” ”

“That Chen Chuwei~”

Seeing that he had a desire to retreat, Liu Treasurer hurriedly read: “It is difficult to change yourself, but it is very simple to prohibit others.” ”

“Artisans are driven by nature, and some people, in the name of their own sacrificial wine, take hundreds of artisans from the Ministry of Works and help them build mansions privately!”

“That Chen Chuwei, now buried under the mansion, was driven by you to suppress feng shui!”

“Yes and no?”

“You colluded with the Ministry of Works to suppress this matter, how did you do it? Not threatening the lives of other craftsmen? ”

“The craftsmen are too attached to the Ministry of Work, and if they leave the Ministry of Work, it will be a problem for them to even survive, so they are easily handled!!”

“You fart!” Kong Zhao cursed, flicked his sleeves and hurriedly left, but Luo Ru, who was angry at the door, had already blocked him at the door!

His face was like pig’s liver, and he pointed and scolded: “Get out of here!” ”

“This official is a Hanlin Courtyard sacrifice wine, obstructing this official from acting, this is a mortal sin, and he will kill the head!”

Hearing this, Luo Ru and the other craftsmen not only did not retreat, but moved forward again, and the frightened Kong Zhao stumbled back a step.


“You guys are going to be anti, this is going to be anti!”

Liu Treasurer read: “Some people, once they get used to cheap and convenient things, they are no longer willing to give up, this is the truth from thrift to luxury, from luxury to thrift!” ”

“It is also the biggest resistance to the abolition of craftsmen!”

“What river worker? What nine-sided? ”

“If the craftsmen abolish it, who helps them repair the mansion, who helps them move the stones, who helps them pull the fiber, who helps them risk their lives to cross the mountain at the risk of the rapids!”

“There are no craftsmen, where to find such a person who does not want money and has a rotten life!!”

“Er just debated with me, and made a big fuss here, that hypocritical and arrogant face really makes people feel disgusting when they see it!”



Kong Zhao thought of Fan Jinzhongju again, looked at the approaching crowd, kept stumbling back, panicked in his heart, picked up the thing next to him and waved it out!

Luo Ru broke his mouth and scolded: “Contentment and happiness? ”

“The craftsmen in the lotus pond are starving to death every day when they eat Guanyin soil, I know your father’s feet, and you are always happy!”

“Coarse! Vulgar! ”


Kong Zhao pointed at him and scolded, bending down slightly to lift a chair and smash them back, but suddenly felt the sky spinning, and the whole person’s eyes were black!

The butler supported him: “Sir, are you all right!” ”

Luo Ru’s scolding became louder and louder: “Do you know that Brother Chen came with me, and his daughter-in-law sent a letter two days ago waiting for him to return!” ”

“It turned out that you were beaten on a raw pile!!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Birds and beasts are not as good!”

Chen Chuwei! Chen Chuwei!

Stakes! Stakes!

Kong Zhao’s mind was full of this matter exposed, how did he know about it?

Looking at the crowd surging around, his heart beat faster and faster, and he saw the Liu Treasurer in front of him, and suddenly thought of Liaozhai scolding him for hypocrisy just now, and the lingering Fan Jin Zhongju in his mind appeared again.

Ask for flowers 0

He suddenly laughed: “Hahahaha! ”


Everyone was stunned!

Kong Zhao ignored it and said loudly: “Hey, I’m hit!” I’m hit!! ”


After speaking, he actually spewed out blood and instantly fell backwards to the ground.

His heartbeat fluctuated violently, and when his eyes were still awake, he happened to see a figure standing on the second floor, along with two young girls.

Is that…

Ning Zhiyu, Shang Xiaoling?

People from Tianxiang Pavilion?

And the one next to it?

Wasn’t Chen Yong, who was kicked out of the Hanlin Academy by himself because of the script?

Wordsbook? Chen Yong?


Kong Zhao suddenly figured it out, and suddenly said as if returning to the light: “It turned out! Originally!! ”

“So it’s you who chatted about it!!”

“I should have thought of it a long time ago!”

“Chat! Strange! Chat~”

He remembered humiliating Chen Yong half a year ago, and asked Li Jia to drive him out the door, and remembered that in the past six months, so many words were directed at the Hanlin Academy, and many students died under the script, and the Hanlin Academy almost became a laughing stock!

It turns out that all this is wronged and has a master!


Another mouthful of blood spurting out!

Kong Zhao couldn’t stand this blow, couldn’t hold on any longer, and passed out directly.

Xiao Guo stepped forward and touched his pulse, and said strangely: “The treasurer, he is dead.” ”

“Looking at the flushed face at the end, it should be a fire in the heart and angry to death.”

A Hanlin Courtyard sacrificial wine died directly in Qingtian Library, and Liu Treasurer didn’t know what to do for a while.

The students of the Hanlin Academy walked over, holding Kong Zhao and shaking it constantly: “Lord Sacrifice Wine!” ”

“Lord Sakesaku!”

In pinching people here, feeding ginseng there, Kong Zhao’s body still cooled down after a long time, and his flushed face turned miserably white!

Student Kang Xingdong looked around, pointed and scolded: “Lord Sacrificial Wine died in Qingtian Bookhouse!” ”

“Wait for the big thing!”

“Know what?”

He looked up at the second floor and said, “Chat Zhai!” You are the culprit of this clever rhetoric! ”

“Lord Saijiu is already dead, don’t you show your face yet?”


“We won’t let you go!”

“This matter, it won’t be just like that!”

Kang Xingdong understood that Kong Zhao’s last few words showed that he must know who Liaozhai was, and Na Xiao himself was hiding on the second floor!

Should still be an acquaintance!

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be so excited!

Kang Xingdong let people take Kong Zhao’s body away, glanced upstairs again, and finally did not see any figure, and turned away regretfully.

Seeing him leave, Chen Yong opened the door of the hidden compartment on the second floor and looked out through the gap.

Ning Zhiyu was worried: “Gongzi, Kong Zhao died here, there won’t really be any problems!” ”

“After all, he is the sacrificial wine of the Hanlin Academy.”

“Nope!” What Chen Yong said was categorical, this is not to comfort Ning Zhiyu, but now that Zhongshu Province has just been erected, Kong Zhao has defected to Hu Weiyong, and his death will only blow Hu Weiyong’s momentum.

This is what Zhu Yuanzhang is happy to see!

It can be said.

From the moment Kong Zhao couldn’t see the situation clearly and turned to Hu Weiyong, he would definitely die!

After Kang Xingdong walked out of the gate of the study house, he sent someone to send Kong Zhao’s body back to the Hanlin Courtyard, but he walked towards the side alley, Lu Zhongheng’s subordinates were here, saw him coming, and asked: “Is Liaozhai inside??” ”

“In! Lord Saku must have seen him when he died! ”

“That’s good!” He asked all the dozen or so scoundrels under his command to put on masks, pointed to the two people and said: “In a moment, you two will attack the crowd and create chaos!” ”

“The others took advantage of this time to go in through the window with me, quickly go up to the second floor, and beat Liaozhai to death!”

“Run for your life after you finish!”

“Ten days later, when the limelight passes, come to me to receive the reward, you know?”

Some scoundrels said: “Sir, we don’t know where you came from, who is it?” How to find you? ”

“Fuyun Inn, second floor, I have a private room there!”

“Stop inking! Go, kill Chatzhai! ”

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(Thank you, Readers, Ten).

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